Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So I accidentally left my iPod at home over Thanksgiving Break, right? Well, when I got back to my apartment after the one-hour drive, I realized that I wouldn't be needing my iHome (you know, those stereo systems where you plug in your iPod and it plays your music) so I put it away on a shelf in my closet (a very high shelf).

Well, last night, my mom called and when I tried to get my cell phone out of my purse, I fumbled it and accidentally sent it crashing to the ground. And it broke. It's a old-fashioned flip phone so it was split down the "flip" part. Needless to say, none of my friends can call me to hang out now.

Another dilemma arose the same night. Since I use my cell phone as an alarm clock, I now had no alarm clock either. I realized this as I was falling asleep around 1 a.m. but I dragged myself out of bed anyway and went over to the closet to retrieve my only alarm clock back-up--my iHome.

Unfortunately, I forgot that my iHome has a very large and heavy charger/plug-in and when I yanked my iHome off of the closet shelf, the aforementioned item fell (heavily) onto my foot.

I spent the next thirty seconds clutching my bruising foot and rocking back and forth in silent pain. It was very humourous had you been there to see it.

Well, after that fiasco, I managed to plug in my iHome and spent another three minutes figuring out to set the alarm clock on it.

And THEN I went to sleep.


  1. I use my iHome as an alarm too actually. I stole it out of the "donate to children in need" box. I didn't see the sign until after I swear. Plus, if children in need aren't given iPods what could they possibly need an iHome for? I'm going to Hell.

  2. I had this iHome, lovely thing. It didn't bust my foot or anything. Could work a little better, seems like something designed by a bloke named Andrew. But I still like it.


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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.