Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Generation X

I was talking to my counselor when she told me about how she was doing research on the Millenials, also known as "Generation X". She told me that this generation consisted of people born between 1980 and 2005. They were even larger in number than the baby boom generation and they were shaking things up. This cohort was going to go out there and change the world. She told me that the research she had read talked about how the Generation X cohort sought to be authentic, were more socially conscious, and negotiated things. They wanted to wear jeans to work and negotiated their salaries. Some were part of the Boomerang Generation who would return home after college was over or they couldn't find a job. I agreed with her even though I was surprised by the facts she told me. Later on, I said, "Do you know the phrase 'Faint heart never won fair lady'? Well, in my generation, it's 'Faint heart never won fair wages.' " She laughed.

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