Sunday, March 20, 2011

Trusting oneself

I just talked to my parents today about what I should do with my future. My graduation is coming up soon and I need to decided. I told them how I considered moving back in with them and working for pay and helping them out. They said that if I decided to come back, I should do it out of love, not because I think they need me. They told me that they would always love me and want me around but I should do what's best for me. They realize that eventually, I would move out and live my own life, and they don't see any immediate need for financial assistance. My father said that he just didn't want me to stay in my college town if I was not going to school and he believed that I could find a job much easier in my hometown (which is, admittedly, more prosperous and more populated than my college town). My mother told me that if I was home with them, I could just help them out with doctor's appointments and little things--they don't need help with money. She also said that I reminded her of herself and she didn't want me to fall prey to the same flaws. These flaws include only doing what other people want or expect of her and being fearful of everything. She wanted me to learn from her past experiences so I can live my life true to myself. Good advice is there was any. Whatever decision I make, I'm going to take Craig's advice and trust myself. If the decision turns out well, then great! If it doesn't, then it's a lesson learned and I can decide on something else next year.


  1. I just don't understand how it could be easier to find a job in Greenville as opposed to Clemson when you already have a job in Clemson... that kinda flies in the face of logic. Does he mean a job using your degree?

  2. Your parents sound so wonderfully sweet, they seem to be very understanding of your emotions :)


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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.