Friday, October 30, 2009

The beauty and the orgasm

Thursday was beautiful. I was walking to class when I happened to glance up and saw how the autumn blue sky was blanketed by long stretches of clouds. It resembled white sand on the bottom of the ocean. Or the dunes of the desert.

Something else that caught my eye was when I was walking downtown and I saw something that looked like leaves suspended in mid-air. When I looked closer, I saw that they were caught on a spider web. It was like a moment frozen in time. I wanted to take a picture but the spider web probably wouldn't show up and it would just look like I took a photograph of leaves flying through the air.

On a more academic note, we talked about sexual themes for the book we were reading in class (aptly named the "The Turn of the Screw")and the teacher brought up orgasms. He was asking if anyone knew the French word for "orgasm" and immediately looked at me.

Needless to say, I was beyond confused. "Why are you looking at me?"
"Because you studied French," was his only reply. Yeah, so did Kaitlynn, who was sitting immediately to his left.
"I studied French but I never studied the word for orgasm."
For some reason, this sent a ripple of laughter through the class.
"How can you study French without studying orgasms?" my teacher said in all seriousness as he turned back to the board. Then he wrote out the French word for orgasm. Yeah. After he asked me. (It's "Le Petite Mort", by the way, which I think translates to "The Little Death". Very appealing name for an orgasm, don't you think?).

Wow, I just realized that I had a "My Life Is Average" moment. Well, I guess my life isn't so average anymore.


  1. Why did he ask you? Oh wow...>_>

    I would've been blushing madly, you handled that pretty well. But then again, I know my dirty words in Latin ;D

  2. Google isn't putting your updates in my blog box. That's sad.

    I took French for four years and that's a new one in my dictionary.


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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.