Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Visualizing Success

All of this visualizing success business made me wonder: what do I define as success? As I thought about it, I surprised myself when I realized that I didn't define success as being famous, wealthy, or rich. I defined success in very simple ways. For example, I pictured myself as a success and I immediately saw myself living in a small house sitting on a giant green field under a deep blue sky. I pictured waking up early every morning and taking my dog (because I will have a dog) for a brisk walk. I pictured eating healthy and being physically active--doing yoga and being limber. I imagined myself going to work counseling people and loving it, even the challenging and difficult moments (because I will have those). I imagined myself pursuing my passions. I would write every day and practice the piano. I would spend free time on my hobbies and cultivate my interests. For this, I would take dance lessons and cooking classes. I would sew and garden and do woodworking. I would learn how to design my own clothes and sew my own dresses. I would make my own furniture and assemble a computer. I imagined myself in a strong, healthy relationship (that's you, Matt!) and we could cuddle every night and watch goofy shows. I imagined walking or biking everywhere I went, using public transportation so I would never have to drive again (that's for New York!). I imagined keeping a journal and do self-reflections every day. I imagined going out to plays and pampering myself with deep-tissue massages (okay, so deep-tissue massages are just as much pain as they are pamper, but it's still a good choice!). Lastly, I visualized pushing myself and seeing what limits I can overcome. And, just as importantly, I will take care of myself and know when to rest. Like right now. Good night, world. I'm going to get my sleep so I can start on my way to becoming...A SUCCESS.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.