My brother was talking to me on Skype and said that he wanted to hang out again. He said he saw other siblings hanging out together and thought, "Man, I don't have that." In other words, he wants a sibling relationship with me again, like we're friends. Truthfully, I don't know how I feel about that. In some ways, I do miss my brother. I remember our talks and the times we laughed. Then again, my brother and I are so different that I don't know what we would do even if we did hang out. He mentioned this, too. "I know you and I don't have the same interests, but..." his voice trailed off. I agree with that. My brother and I are like night and day. He likes watching sports games, mostly basketball and American football. He likes going to clubs and drinking and singing karaoke while tipsy. He likes staying out all night and driving recklessly. I'm the opposite of that. I like to do quiet, solitary things: reading, a walk outside, meditation. Even when I'm being social, I just sit around and talk with people or we play board games. No real clubbing, partying, drinking, or staying out all night. If anything, I go to sleep at a reasonable time every night and get up at seven in the morning. What WOULD we do together? Maybe I could watch sports with him? I suppose we could watch a movie. That's something we still like to do together. Or go eat out at a nice restaurant. Sometimes, when I'm hanging out with my brother, I'm just spending time with him and his friends, observing and not really having much to say. I'm too socially awkward for that. And I'm sure my brother isn't too interested in doing what I like to do. I also think that he might be uncomfortable around some of my friends since they are LGBT. He doesn't usually mention my friends very much, I suppose, and I don't talk about them often. I never really know what he thinks of them. Or me. Good grief, what ARE we going to do if we hang out? I suppose I'll find out over winter break. We'll think of something.
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