Today was the busiest day at work I've had so far. From the time I started working, I was always running around doing something. I was so busy that my boss didn't even have to assign me any tasks. I just worked and worked until it was almost time to go home. My boss must have noticed because at one point, she said to me, out of the blue: "You must be doing a lot of meditation tonight." I looked up from the papers I was organizing, my hair in disarray and my eyes bloodshot. "Why do you say that?" I asked, curious.
"You seem...frazzled."
"Frazzled...frazzled is a good word for it."
"Look, the things you're's not that important."
I raised both eyebrows.
"Okay, it IS important, but it's nothing that can't be done tomorrow. When you go home today, relax. Meditate."
"I think I'll go home and have a nice long soak in the bathtub."
"Good. That's good."
And that's what I did. Well, sort of. I did go home and take a bath, but it wasn't a very long bath. First of all, I didn't even fill the tub all the way up with water. I was too anxious for that. I mean, water is included in my rent so I don't have to worry how much I use up, but I kept thinking, What if I'm wasting water? What if I use up all the hot water and later my roommates can't take a bath? So I lied there, stretched out in the bathtub in about four inches of water and just...grew more and more paranoid. I then thought to myself, Can I not enjoy baths anymore? That's when I knew that I had become an adult, when I had to worry about something other than my own pleasure and wants. Or maybe that's not what being an adult is about and I'm just paranoid. On the other hand, I really like the look of my legs, they're all nice and long and shapely. I guess I don't admire my legs often enough. I suppose that's the one good thing that came out of this "half" bath. Then again, I only lied there for about five minutes before I got up and rinsed off. So much for a long soak. On the other hand, I saved some water, both for the environment and for my roommates.
"You seem...frazzled."
"Frazzled...frazzled is a good word for it."
"Look, the things you're's not that important."
I raised both eyebrows.
"Okay, it IS important, but it's nothing that can't be done tomorrow. When you go home today, relax. Meditate."
"I think I'll go home and have a nice long soak in the bathtub."
"Good. That's good."
And that's what I did. Well, sort of. I did go home and take a bath, but it wasn't a very long bath. First of all, I didn't even fill the tub all the way up with water. I was too anxious for that. I mean, water is included in my rent so I don't have to worry how much I use up, but I kept thinking, What if I'm wasting water? What if I use up all the hot water and later my roommates can't take a bath? So I lied there, stretched out in the bathtub in about four inches of water and just...grew more and more paranoid. I then thought to myself, Can I not enjoy baths anymore? That's when I knew that I had become an adult, when I had to worry about something other than my own pleasure and wants. Or maybe that's not what being an adult is about and I'm just paranoid. On the other hand, I really like the look of my legs, they're all nice and long and shapely. I guess I don't admire my legs often enough. I suppose that's the one good thing that came out of this "half" bath. Then again, I only lied there for about five minutes before I got up and rinsed off. So much for a long soak. On the other hand, I saved some water, both for the environment and for my roommates.
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