Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sept. 10, 2012

Went to my first day of internship. Dear Lord, it's hard to find this building. I passed it three times before realizing that it was the plain, pale brick building set back in a grove of overgrown vegetation.

Also, I forgot the rest of my lunch in the refrigerator of the building when I left the internship. I called and asked if they ever threw out food and they said that they cleared out the fridge at the end of the week. Guess I'll have to go get it tomorrow.

Thirdly, I got lost driving home. I took one wrong turn and spent the next half-hour wandering around trying to find my way back home. I finally stopped at a middle school where someone directed me to the right route. Apparently, I had been going South when I was supposed to go North.

That does it--I'm getting a GPS. I'm so sick of getting lost.

Lastly,  another shortcoming I will work on: FOLLOWING UP WITH PEOPLE. If people put in a request for me to do something, then I should be mindful of that and take every necessary action to accomplish their request in an effective and timely manner. This practice will be beneficial for me once I become a social worker as well. I believe that it is of utmost importance in my profession to follow up on people and fulfill my duties and promises.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.