I woke up this morning feeling dizzy. The feeling lasted through most of the day and I don't know if it's because I went swimming for three hours yesterday or because I didn't sleep well last night (I had this dream where I had to teach a 15-year-old boy named Ben Foster how to play piano, and he kept pinching me evilly whenever I did something he didn't like). Anyway, I took a nap in case it would help and there, I dreamt that I was in the Disney movie Mulan and going through all of the rigorous training of becoming a soldier for the Chinese Army. I woke to the sound of my mother stir-frying food and we had a nice chat about people we know. Recently, she has been on me about taking care of my appearance and I am starting to believe she is right. Well, I've always known she was right, but I was too indifferent to do anything about it. I really should shape up though. And dress better. And take care of my hair and skin. All kinds of things. In other words, I should emerge into that part of teenage girl life where I expend time and energy into presenting a pleasing, neat, and somewhat attractive appearance. I learned that most girls that age do it to attract boys or to become popular, but I was never too keen on either. Boys were mostly people I was interested in being friends with, not "cozy" with, and I could never understand why people wanted to be popular. If I got as much attention and friends as most "popular" people did, I would probably go over the brink. I preferred the company of books and nature to human interaction. Now it's come back to bite me in the you-know-where. Now, in my early twenties, I don't know (or care much) about how to put on makeup, how to dress to impress, and how to act charming. I just act bewildered instead and, for whatever reason, I guess that's my version of charm.
Maybe I need to take lessons on how to be an adult. Well, as soon as I get over my hangover from being in too much sun. Seriously, I'm not used to being in that much sunlight so I woke up with a headache, dizziness, and a strange hollow feeling in my stomach. Sun-drunk, in other words.
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