I went to the lake with some friends yesterday and came home with sunburn. I'm very scrupulous about putting on sunscreen but I was too lazy to apply it to my face so I ended up with pink all over my skin. At the very least, I finally got the art of swimming down pat. "Keep your head away from the splash," my friend George had told me. Amazingly, it worked. I was able to swim. To think that those words were all I needed to know since I was nine. I'm still afraid of deep water, however, and I don't trust it so I never go in where the water can subsume my head.
On the bright side, I woke up for church this morning and the sunburn had faded. Surprisingly, so had a lot of my blemishes. Huh, maybe some sun is good for my skin.
I wish I could have gone! Ben and I were moving all day that day, so it was impossible, but... /sigh/ it sounds like it was so much fun. Did you here how badly burnt George got tho??? :/ Apparently he got sun poisoning. I'm not really sure how bad a sunburn has to be to qualify as sun poisoning, but... ow!