I went to the Imani winds concert today. Of course, I left during intermission. I only had to have enough material to write a two-page reaction paper for class and I garnered enough material so I don't expect to stay for the entire show.
Gah, I can't believe that I used to spend my free time during sophomore year going to these things. Sure, I enjoyed the performances then, but now I have no patience for them. They don't seem as lively to me. Or as stimulating. I used to think that going to hear classical music concerts broadened my horizons. Or stimulated my brain somehow. Maybe they did and it's just in a way I can't see. In any case, I can only remember sitting in a darkened theater room with a group of musicians playing instruments. I don't remember the pieces at all. The only pieces I ever really liked were "In the Hall of the Mountain King" and the one time the orchestra played the surprise piece of "The Pirates of the Caribbean" theme song. That was awesome. I love the music from the movies and having it performed live in front of me was a worthwhile experience. That's one of the things I would put on a list of "things to do before you die". That and "sitting under a waterfall."
Anyway, I do enjoy the jazz concerts. I think I'll go again this year.
I hung out with Johnathon after the concert. He hadn't eaten dinner yet and so I accompanied him while he ate at Waffle House. Ironically, I spoke more than he did this time because he was running on three and a half hours of sleep. Apparently, he's quiet when he doesn't have enough sleep. I spent the time recounting tales of my class experiences. I told him about how I would write stories with my classmates while we sat right in front of the teacher and how we found a used condom in class the day we started talking about Sexuality in Marriage. Very appropriate.
Anyway, Raven called us as we were driving back to Heatherwood. She had just got out of the concert (the one where I bailed halfway through) and wanted someone to pick her up. "I thought that was why she called," I said shrewdly. Johnathon couldn't stop laughing after I said that and, of course, I couldn't understand why.
"You're just a funny person," he told me. "The way you are is ironic. You're just...ironic," he said, still laughing. Oh well, I thought as I shrugged. If it entertained the peanut gallery then...good for me.
We picked up Raven and dropped her off at home. I said goodbye to Johnathon and went home, too. I had dressed up that day--chocolate floral sundress and up-to-THERE high heels. I don't usually dress up for music performances but I felt like it this time. I looked good, too. Yes, it was one of the times I allowed myself some vain thoughts. Actually, I think it was the heels. They made me legs stand out all sexy and animalistic-looking. Dayuuummm, was all I had to say.
all i have to say is