Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday Nah.

I went to bed early. And by early, I mean 10:35 p.m.

I got off from work half an hour earlier, mostly because we were slow and I had two people to help me close instead of one. Well, I was so tired that I barely had energy to shower and cook dinner. After I got off from work, I called Craig like I said I would and actually ran into Will Dukes while I was walking to the bell tower. He offered me a ride home, but, being the doormat I am, I said no. Besides, I couldn't ditch Craig up in the bell tower.

Well...I could ditch him and he couldn't do anything about it, but...I didn't.

Craig was playing "Prince Ali" all over again but I only heard the first few lines because I had entered Tillman Hall by then. It's so weird how they have Tillman Hall all soundproofed so that you can't hear the bells AT ALL, even if they are only four floors above the entrance.

Well, I was even more exhausted when I climbed up the four flights of stairs AND the ones leading to the bell tower. I could only flop down onto a bean bag and listen to Craig play. I was too exhausted to even get up and pick up Craig's phone when it dropped out of his pocket, poor guy.

Anyway, Ben and Melissa wanted to go to Planet Comics in Anderson to look up Magic cards. I was originally going to go home, but Craig convinced me to come anyway. I guess it was just as well because I ended up buying my first Magic core deck--black with vampires. How befitting.

I got home and after cooking dinner, Craig persuaded me to try out my deck. George, being addicted to Magic at the moment, came over when he heard the news and I spent some time with them, too. Luckily for me, I quit having thunderstorms that very night. I played Magic against Craig and I told him about the "no more thunderstorms" before retiring to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like maybe I should know this, but what does "no more thunderstorms mean?"

    And, sweet holy Jesus, when did all these blog posts appear???

    /devours eagerly/



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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.