So I just spent the last four hours doing homework. And I'm still not done. W...T...F, man?
That does it. From now on, I am getting more sleep and I am doing my homework spread out over the weekend. That way I won't have four (four!) hours of homework to do on a Sunday. SUNDAY. The one day I'm SUPPOSED to be relaxing.
I went swimming today too. Alone. Yeah, I'm trying to get over my fear of water so...I swam in the kiddie pool. "Only 3 feet!" Johnathon keeps saying. "There's no way you can drown in that." Ha. Ha. Watch me. I can drown in anything.
Anyway, I had a good hour all to myself and then, after I came up from trying to hold my breath, there's this girl there. Yeah, she's sitting there in her bikini and all 100 something pounds of tan perfectness just nonchalantly reading a novel while she sunbathes. Funny she was up here in the kiddie pool section instead of down where the deeper pool (or as I like to call it, the "adult" pool) was located. No one was down there. I checked. Anyway, I didn't stay much longer after she came. Dripping wet, I rose out of the water with the swimming trunks clinging to my fat, fat thighs and headed on home, my towel draped around my head in shame.
Yeah, exciting day. Although...I do wonder if people can see me when I swim. The pool is in full view of the balconies and I can help but wonder if someone's watching. If anyone was, I'm pretty sure they'd have a hard time figuring out if I was a guy or a girl. Sure, I have fairly long hair, but I was wearing what guys usually wear in the pool (plus a shirt. I don't believe in going topless. Well, yet, anyway.) so it might have made me look androgynous. Or a hippie. Either way, it must be amusing to see me flailing my arms and hopping around on the bottom of the pool whenever my legs cramp up, like I'm performing some clumsy water ballet.
Good thing everyone sleeps in on Sunday. Otherwise, I don't know how I would swim if people were looking at me.
As for hours and hours of homework on Sunday...Nevermore!
Going under,
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
This one is not creative
I just haven't feeling creative lately. The energy seems drained out of me and all I see ahead is work. Maybe I should try something new. I've been thinking about undertaking an art project; it should help with my creativity levels. The only thing is where to find time for it between homework, chores, sleep, and the like.
I think I'll also take up swimming in my free time. Seems to relax me somehow. Besides, I have to get over my fear of water at some point. Why not now?
I think I'll also take up swimming in my free time. Seems to relax me somehow. Besides, I have to get over my fear of water at some point. Why not now?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday morning
Dude. I just parked behind this one guy who seems really cool. And he didn't even have to do anything. He just stepped out of his white car and was looking all awesome with his white tee and his black fedora. And then he rode away on his little scooter.
Well, that was redundant. If I had a scooter, I probably wouldn't bother with the car. And vice versa.
More later.
About my day, I mean. Not the scooter guy.
P.S. Hey! I now have a scooter guy to Craig's bagel kid! Well, except I'll probably never see the scooter guy again. Unless I stalk him...*lightbulb turns on, flickers, then abruptly clicks off*
Well, that was redundant. If I had a scooter, I probably wouldn't bother with the car. And vice versa.
More later.
About my day, I mean. Not the scooter guy.
P.S. Hey! I now have a scooter guy to Craig's bagel kid! Well, except I'll probably never see the scooter guy again. Unless I stalk him...*lightbulb turns on, flickers, then abruptly clicks off*
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thirsty Thursday
And, ONE DAY, I am going to mean something else by the term Thirsty Thursday but...I'm not legal yet so...onto other matters.
I missed the bus today. Twice. The first time I missed it, I was only ten seconds late. I thought about running alongside it Peter Parker style and pounding the side of the bus with my fist while shouting: "NO! WAIT! STOP THE BUS!I SAID STOP THE B--" WHAM. And then it would run me over while the other kids laughed. But no. I took my car instead. That WOULD have made for a very nice YouTube video though. I can see it now: "Girl gets run over by catbus". Hey, it wouldn't be the first time.
Anyway, I only had two classes today and luckily, they are the fairly easy ones. All I ever do in Cognitive Pscyh is copy the notes from the Powerpoint and then spend the rest of the time fantasizing about being a mermaid instead of listening to the teacher. And in Critical Writing Class, all I have to do is contribute one comment to the class discussion and then I can lapse into whatever else I feel like doing. I just have to make sure that I look like I'm paying attention every once in a while (which isn't hard since I sit at the back of the class and the teacher is too busy writing on that horrible squeaky chalkboard or trying to get other people to participate in class discussion to notice).
Aside from that, I'm glad we had a little drizzle of rain today. It was lucky that I ended up taking my car both times I had class because a) I saved Raven from standing in the rain waiting for the next bus to come (I did feel bad for everyone else who had to wait for a bus though...) and b) I found a new place to park near McClure's Bookshop. Wicked.
Dinner was great today. I went to Rockhopper's with Johnathon, Raven, our new friend (also named Jonathan. Gee, it's getting to be a really small world), and the entire LGBT community. The food was great, the conversation was stimulating...The only bad thing about that experience was that I ended up paying for my own meal (which means I literally have no more money in my wallet. This is great. Go me.) The invitation said it was Dutch treat, but oh well.
The good thing, however, was that I found another great place to eat. Oh, and that a "rockhopper" apparently refers to those tiny penguins with the bleached-blonde eyebrows. I'm assuming that they "hop" from rock to rock, hence the name.
After my meal, I went up to one of the hostesses but before I could say anything, she goes: "Oh, are you looking for the bathroom? It's down this hall, on your right." Now why would she think that I had to use the restroom? What if I wanted to ask her something else? But then again, I DID have to go to the bathroom and that WAS what I was going to ask her so...I guess I have no argument there. Instead I just looked dumbstruck and said, "How do you always know that?" She replies, "People looking for the restroom always have that face." Well, I certainly hope she didn't mean MY face because that would freak me out, all those people looking for a restroom who look just like me...
I did come up to her a second time though and asked where I could buy one of those gigantic stuffed penguins they had encaged in plastic and displayed around the restaurant. I wanted to buy a few for my penguin-loving friends (and one for me, of course). Well, guess what? She didn't know. She just said that they had been around here forever. Well, what a...oh, that's right. I'm not allowed to curse in front of the kids.
Anyway, that's all I had to say for now. Oh, and that I love The Fray. Just to let you all know. I heard their songs on the radio all day and in the Rockhopper's restaurant too. Not surprisingly, I find that I end up liking every one of their songs. As soon as I earn some money, I'm going to buy their CDs to play in my car when nothing good is on the radio.
Toodles and noodles,
I missed the bus today. Twice. The first time I missed it, I was only ten seconds late. I thought about running alongside it Peter Parker style and pounding the side of the bus with my fist while shouting: "NO! WAIT! STOP THE BUS!I SAID STOP THE B--" WHAM. And then it would run me over while the other kids laughed. But no. I took my car instead. That WOULD have made for a very nice YouTube video though. I can see it now: "Girl gets run over by catbus". Hey, it wouldn't be the first time.
Anyway, I only had two classes today and luckily, they are the fairly easy ones. All I ever do in Cognitive Pscyh is copy the notes from the Powerpoint and then spend the rest of the time fantasizing about being a mermaid instead of listening to the teacher. And in Critical Writing Class, all I have to do is contribute one comment to the class discussion and then I can lapse into whatever else I feel like doing. I just have to make sure that I look like I'm paying attention every once in a while (which isn't hard since I sit at the back of the class and the teacher is too busy writing on that horrible squeaky chalkboard or trying to get other people to participate in class discussion to notice).
Aside from that, I'm glad we had a little drizzle of rain today. It was lucky that I ended up taking my car both times I had class because a) I saved Raven from standing in the rain waiting for the next bus to come (I did feel bad for everyone else who had to wait for a bus though...) and b) I found a new place to park near McClure's Bookshop. Wicked.
Dinner was great today. I went to Rockhopper's with Johnathon, Raven, our new friend (also named Jonathan. Gee, it's getting to be a really small world), and the entire LGBT community. The food was great, the conversation was stimulating...The only bad thing about that experience was that I ended up paying for my own meal (which means I literally have no more money in my wallet. This is great. Go me.) The invitation said it was Dutch treat, but oh well.
The good thing, however, was that I found another great place to eat. Oh, and that a "rockhopper" apparently refers to those tiny penguins with the bleached-blonde eyebrows. I'm assuming that they "hop" from rock to rock, hence the name.
After my meal, I went up to one of the hostesses but before I could say anything, she goes: "Oh, are you looking for the bathroom? It's down this hall, on your right." Now why would she think that I had to use the restroom? What if I wanted to ask her something else? But then again, I DID have to go to the bathroom and that WAS what I was going to ask her so...I guess I have no argument there. Instead I just looked dumbstruck and said, "How do you always know that?" She replies, "People looking for the restroom always have that face." Well, I certainly hope she didn't mean MY face because that would freak me out, all those people looking for a restroom who look just like me...
I did come up to her a second time though and asked where I could buy one of those gigantic stuffed penguins they had encaged in plastic and displayed around the restaurant. I wanted to buy a few for my penguin-loving friends (and one for me, of course). Well, guess what? She didn't know. She just said that they had been around here forever. Well, what a...oh, that's right. I'm not allowed to curse in front of the kids.
Anyway, that's all I had to say for now. Oh, and that I love The Fray. Just to let you all know. I heard their songs on the radio all day and in the Rockhopper's restaurant too. Not surprisingly, I find that I end up liking every one of their songs. As soon as I earn some money, I'm going to buy their CDs to play in my car when nothing good is on the radio.
Toodles and noodles,
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
So, back by popular demand
Here are the highlights of what happened today:
1) I was walking upstairs in the Brooks Center and I was right behind this one guy who had the NICEST calf muscles. I remember thinking: "Wow! What are you, a mountain biker?!" There was a girl walking behind me up the stairs and she must have thought I was checking him out by the way I kept staring at his legs. Anyway, all three of us got to the top of the stairs and then...he held the door open for us! AWWW...girls are suckers for the gentlemen type (or at least I am). And that guy was hot too. I kept thinking: "Dang! I'd bang you anytime. Standing offer."
2) My gas tank showed up empty today so I had to refill it. Gah, that's $20 down the drain. And I'm not making any money either. SO. I decided to ride the bus from now on. It saves gas and it saves time looking for a stupid parking space.
3) At the end of the day, I parked my car in the Reserves parking lot (it took me so long to find a parking space! Which is strange because that never happens here) and right when I stepped out of the car, I see this black shape near the ground. It turns out to be this really cool black cat. I was all, GASP! But it ran away when I tried to get near it. I saw it across the street and was trying to approach it but all these dumb cars were passing by between me and the cat. Luckily the headlights of one of the cars illuminated the cat's wicked awesome yellow eyes. Very witchy. Very cool. Anyway, it ran away when I tried to approach it again and then I couldn't find it anymore. T.T I also had a passing thought that maybe I was in one of those Twilight Zone episodes or a fantasy novel where I was the only one who could see the cat or that it was supposed to lead me to something (maybe my death, maybe a treasure, maybe some real-life witch right around the corner? Who knows?). Seriously though, it was like I was the only one who could see it. Admittedly, it was dark outside, but none of the other drivers saw it (which means they might have ran it over) and a group of residents walked by but they didn't notice it either. Huh...maybe I WAS the only one who could see it. Or at least I was the only one who noticed it.
4) There was also a group of guys standing on a third-floor balcony that I heard conversing with each other on my walk back to the apartment (this was after the cat incident). Either they were talking pretty loud or the sound carries around here because I could hear them pretty well. (I don't know why I listed this in the "Highlights of my day". Not really a highlight...)
5) My outfit was rocking! According to Melissa, I coordinated very well today and I looked very "Cameron" (referring to Dr. Allison Cameron from the TV show HOUSE). The only bad thing was that I thought it was pretty low-cut so if anyone was paying attention to me, they must have thought I was really interested in my boobs since I kept staring down my shirt to make sure nothing was showing. And, of course, nothing WAS showing (considering I don't have anything TO. SHOW).
6) Melissa and I hung out! We were going to the Semantics meeting together and spent the walk there talking about classes and Franz Ferdinand until we ran into...Jaclyn! That resulted in a lengthy conversation which ended up with us coercing her into throwing a going-away party. For herself, of course. And then Melissa and I had to hurry to Hendrix because we were late for the meeting (Franz Ferdinand contributed his "menacing voice" as the soundtrack to our harried departure). And Semantics was fun, albeit short. (Someone wrote a response poem to Melissa's poem! And I got to read it to everyone!) And then Melissa ended up going with me to Campus Crusade (needless to say, I was very shocked). We laughed while everyone (including us) sang about God's fire consuming his enemies. Melissa crushed on the cute drummer guy in the yellow t-shirt while I was getting a kick out of one of the backup singers. He was so into the singing that his head was often tilted towards the ceiling, his hands were raised, and his mouth was opened up so wide you could shove a giant sub sandwich into it. And then Melissa drove me to Chick-Fil-A and we talked while she ate dinner. That was it. I was dropped off near the Presbyterian Church to drive my own crazy self home and the night ended.
Note to self: Practice singing so you don't sound bad in public. I was singing Jason Mraz all the way back to my car and I'm not sure if the motorcyclist guy heard it (since he had a giant helmet on), but I'm sure all those Indian students across the street heard it. If I could hear them talking, they definitely could hear me singing.
Until next time,
1) I was walking upstairs in the Brooks Center and I was right behind this one guy who had the NICEST calf muscles. I remember thinking: "Wow! What are you, a mountain biker?!" There was a girl walking behind me up the stairs and she must have thought I was checking him out by the way I kept staring at his legs. Anyway, all three of us got to the top of the stairs and then...he held the door open for us! AWWW...girls are suckers for the gentlemen type (or at least I am). And that guy was hot too. I kept thinking: "Dang! I'd bang you anytime. Standing offer."
2) My gas tank showed up empty today so I had to refill it. Gah, that's $20 down the drain. And I'm not making any money either. SO. I decided to ride the bus from now on. It saves gas and it saves time looking for a stupid parking space.
3) At the end of the day, I parked my car in the Reserves parking lot (it took me so long to find a parking space! Which is strange because that never happens here) and right when I stepped out of the car, I see this black shape near the ground. It turns out to be this really cool black cat. I was all, GASP! But it ran away when I tried to get near it. I saw it across the street and was trying to approach it but all these dumb cars were passing by between me and the cat. Luckily the headlights of one of the cars illuminated the cat's wicked awesome yellow eyes. Very witchy. Very cool. Anyway, it ran away when I tried to approach it again and then I couldn't find it anymore. T.T I also had a passing thought that maybe I was in one of those Twilight Zone episodes or a fantasy novel where I was the only one who could see the cat or that it was supposed to lead me to something (maybe my death, maybe a treasure, maybe some real-life witch right around the corner? Who knows?). Seriously though, it was like I was the only one who could see it. Admittedly, it was dark outside, but none of the other drivers saw it (which means they might have ran it over) and a group of residents walked by but they didn't notice it either. Huh...maybe I WAS the only one who could see it. Or at least I was the only one who noticed it.
4) There was also a group of guys standing on a third-floor balcony that I heard conversing with each other on my walk back to the apartment (this was after the cat incident). Either they were talking pretty loud or the sound carries around here because I could hear them pretty well. (I don't know why I listed this in the "Highlights of my day". Not really a highlight...)
5) My outfit was rocking! According to Melissa, I coordinated very well today and I looked very "Cameron" (referring to Dr. Allison Cameron from the TV show HOUSE). The only bad thing was that I thought it was pretty low-cut so if anyone was paying attention to me, they must have thought I was really interested in my boobs since I kept staring down my shirt to make sure nothing was showing. And, of course, nothing WAS showing (considering I don't have anything TO. SHOW).
6) Melissa and I hung out! We were going to the Semantics meeting together and spent the walk there talking about classes and Franz Ferdinand until we ran into...Jaclyn! That resulted in a lengthy conversation which ended up with us coercing her into throwing a going-away party. For herself, of course. And then Melissa and I had to hurry to Hendrix because we were late for the meeting (Franz Ferdinand contributed his "menacing voice" as the soundtrack to our harried departure). And Semantics was fun, albeit short. (Someone wrote a response poem to Melissa's poem! And I got to read it to everyone!) And then Melissa ended up going with me to Campus Crusade (needless to say, I was very shocked). We laughed while everyone (including us) sang about God's fire consuming his enemies. Melissa crushed on the cute drummer guy in the yellow t-shirt while I was getting a kick out of one of the backup singers. He was so into the singing that his head was often tilted towards the ceiling, his hands were raised, and his mouth was opened up so wide you could shove a giant sub sandwich into it. And then Melissa drove me to Chick-Fil-A and we talked while she ate dinner. That was it. I was dropped off near the Presbyterian Church to drive my own crazy self home and the night ended.
Note to self: Practice singing so you don't sound bad in public. I was singing Jason Mraz all the way back to my car and I'm not sure if the motorcyclist guy heard it (since he had a giant helmet on), but I'm sure all those Indian students across the street heard it. If I could hear them talking, they definitely could hear me singing.
Until next time,
Friday, August 7, 2009
I'm back
Welcome back my friends,
Come. Join me for the retelling of my adventures as I navigate my way through the mean streets of New York, eat my way through the delights of restaurants near and far, and take on the perilous world of online dating. Danger is on every corner, street, and pothole, surprises around every turn, and just some overall educational learning experiences for the kids. Enjoy.
Come. Join me for the retelling of my adventures as I navigate my way through the mean streets of New York, eat my way through the delights of restaurants near and far, and take on the perilous world of online dating. Danger is on every corner, street, and pothole, surprises around every turn, and just some overall educational learning experiences for the kids. Enjoy.
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- jumira-wings
- Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.