Sunday, August 30, 2009


So I just spent the last four hours doing homework. And I'm still not done. W...T...F, man?

That does it. From now on, I am getting more sleep and I am doing my homework spread out over the weekend. That way I won't have four (four!) hours of homework to do on a Sunday. SUNDAY. The one day I'm SUPPOSED to be relaxing.

I went swimming today too. Alone. Yeah, I'm trying to get over my fear of water so...I swam in the kiddie pool. "Only 3 feet!" Johnathon keeps saying. "There's no way you can drown in that." Ha. Ha. Watch me. I can drown in anything.

Anyway, I had a good hour all to myself and then, after I came up from trying to hold my breath, there's this girl there. Yeah, she's sitting there in her bikini and all 100 something pounds of tan perfectness just nonchalantly reading a novel while she sunbathes. Funny she was up here in the kiddie pool section instead of down where the deeper pool (or as I like to call it, the "adult" pool) was located. No one was down there. I checked. Anyway, I didn't stay much longer after she came. Dripping wet, I rose out of the water with the swimming trunks clinging to my fat, fat thighs and headed on home, my towel draped around my head in shame.

Yeah, exciting day. Although...I do wonder if people can see me when I swim. The pool is in full view of the balconies and I can help but wonder if someone's watching. If anyone was, I'm pretty sure they'd have a hard time figuring out if I was a guy or a girl. Sure, I have fairly long hair, but I was wearing what guys usually wear in the pool (plus a shirt. I don't believe in going topless. Well, yet, anyway.) so it might have made me look androgynous. Or a hippie. Either way, it must be amusing to see me flailing my arms and hopping around on the bottom of the pool whenever my legs cramp up, like I'm performing some clumsy water ballet.

Good thing everyone sleeps in on Sunday. Otherwise, I don't know how I would swim if people were looking at me.

As for hours and hours of homework on Sunday...Nevermore!

Going under,


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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.