Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday morning

Dude. I just parked behind this one guy who seems really cool. And he didn't even have to do anything. He just stepped out of his white car and was looking all awesome with his white tee and his black fedora. And then he rode away on his little scooter.

Well, that was redundant. If I had a scooter, I probably wouldn't bother with the car. And vice versa.

More later.

About my day, I mean. Not the scooter guy.

P.S. Hey! I now have a scooter guy to Craig's bagel kid! Well, except I'll probably never see the scooter guy again. Unless I stalk him...*lightbulb turns on, flickers, then abruptly clicks off*



  1. I didn't say that you did. I'm just saying that maybe, just maybe, I should stalk the scooter guy.


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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.