Saturday, November 22, 2008

A memory, if you will

One of my fondest memories of the aforementioned species is the following anecdote.

I remember going to eat breakfast at Harcombe with Craig. They were usually on mornings where he had an 8 o'clock class and I had a 9 o'clock so I just woke up an hour earlier so we could eat breakfast together. I would usually get a bowl of cereal while Craig took a grapefruit (he was always worried about keeping up his petite figure, the poor guy). Anyway, he would try to peel the grapefruit and the funny thing was, even though he always had on glasses, the sly citrus would always find a way to squirt him right in the eye.

Grapefruit: Now if I angled this just right then I could...*squirt*
Craig: Zow! $%^&*!!!
Grapefruit: *cheers*

And I would just sit there laughing at him.

Craig would then take off his glasses and try to see just why they didn't protect him this time, and he never could (to his vexation) find a drop of grapefruit juice on them. Of course, I always thought Craig looked funny without his glasses so I just laughed at him some more.

I'm surprised I never squirted milk out of my nose or something, laughing at his antics...


  1. Ha Ha. This was hilarious. I love it. Short and yet oh so funny.

    Craig does look funny without his glasses so I can definately relate.

    Oh, and I love the graphfruit dialog.


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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.