Monday, November 24, 2008

I am junk

My Sunday school teacher used to say that God doesn't make junk. Well, I guess God didn't make me then.

I just realized how depressing I am yesterday.

Got up and showered this morning. I usually only shower at night, but the cold weather is making me lazy so I think I'll get into the habit of showering in the morning, just so I can get it out of the way.

I skipped class today! Woot! Well, only one class but I never really needed to go to that one anyway. I did go to Statistics class though, just to see what I messed up on my exam. Since class wasn't mandatory, only a dozen people showed up (out of 55 total).

After Stat was music practice. I couldn't practice my carillon skills because I forgot my sheet music back in the dorm but I still had fun trying to play "Seasons of Love" over and over again on the piano.

Lunch was short--a bowl of cereal and some of Melissa's croissants (and it's a good thing I'm eating so many of those, too. There's, like, a million of them). Johnathon hung out with me at lunch but we both had work to do afterwards so...yeah.

Around 2:20 p.m...I just walked past Craig and he didn't even see me! *laughs* So oblivious. At least when he has his headphones on. I could just imagine him singing along with Amy Winehouse or something, unaware of the people around him. I should surprise him one day, jump him and make him yell, "Whoa!"

In French class: WHAT?! I spent a whole hour studying for a quiz we don't have?! Figures something like this would happen to me.

I don't know why, but I was feeling really giddy after French class. I actually skipped out of the classroom, down the stairs, and part of the way back to the dorm. There I spent the next few minutes snacking and dancing around the room to my iPod. Quite literally.

After that came an hour of playing music in the bell tower. I actually had fun playing every Christmas song I could get my hands on (I'm sure I must have driven people crazy with the constant Christmas music).

Homework followed, interrupted by a phone call from Jenny (my friend back home who wants to see Twilight with me), and one from Johnathon who said that he had too much work to do and that he couldn't go to the CU symphonic band concert with me. Figures. This is why I don't invite people anywhere anymore.

I was practically dying of hunger by the time the concert let out and that Subway sandwich tasted so good that I ate way more than I should. Uck. Too much tuna will give one a tummyache.

Anyway, yada yada yada, then I finished my paper and now I'm sitting here in Brackett writing this blog post. It's actually not as interesting to read about what happened in my day as much as it is to read about how I feel about what happened in my day. Lord knows I'm not putting that on this blog.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.