Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day Two

So here I am on The Green Blog back for day two. I still don't have anything interesting to say so I will just continue to ramble on about what is going on in my life.

I watched the play "I Love You Because" for the second time on Friday and I have just finished my critique of the play for theatre class. I think I sound too overly excited in the critique, however. (The music from the play is still ringing in my head.)

I am afraid of becoming cynical since that's what happens to people who critique too many plays or watch all that behind-the-scenes stuff on those new release DVDs. I have seen it happen before. My RA, Valerie, is slightly cynical of musicals (she told me so when we were discussing the movie Sweeney Todd), this one critic named Sean who also critiqued "I Love You Because" is cynical and called the play nothing better than a popcorn summer movie. Even Matt Damon said that he was a cynic. I remember watching him on a talk show once and he said that the more you learn about how the movie industry works, the more cynical you get. Now I am paranoid that I will turn into this cynical, pessimistic "That wasn't all that special or memorable or great" kind of person because then I will lose the magic of it all.

Do you ever remember watching Disney movies as a kid or listening to songs and not really getting the meaning behind the words? Life was different back then. For some odd reason, I was swept away into the world of color and sound and characters as a kid but I was also sharply aware of things, too. I noticed things like when an artist made a mistake in drawing a character or when something happened in a cartoon that did not fit in with reality. I even noted when the lyrics of a song did not really make sense and I thought it strange that anyone would write a song that did not connect to its listeners because it had no reason or coherency to it whatsoever. Of course, I was still very young then and children tend to have a stricter perspective of what makes sense and what doesn't (ironic, isn't it?). Now, whenever I see something wacky in a cartoon, I just think, "It's a cartoon. They're allowed to do that." I don't question it as much anymore or try to make sense out of it. I guess you could say that I was more of a sensible adult when I was young and I am more of a kid now. *laughs* Life really isn't without a sense of irony.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.