I have just read my friend's blog called Melissa's Underbelly and after reading it in silent and comtemplative amusement, I was amazed at the high caliber of writing I found in it compared to mine. Needless to say (I love that phrase for some reason.), I then returned to my own blog and found it bruisedly lacking so...I quit. My style of writing shall never measure up to that of Melissa's Underbelly and I find my blog unerringly and unbelievably boring to read. As for all of my present (and non-existent) faithful readers and adoring fans, I direct you to *flourishes* the Underbelly. There, you shall find a much better plotline in the story of these eight or nine or ten intervening lives and hopefully, you will discover what a superbly astounding writer Melissa has turned out to be. Trust me, you shall not be disappointed. (Unless you hate reading blogs, in which case, I don't know why you are here).
So, my friends and listeners, *sweeps off musketeer hat and bows*
Signing out for the last time,
jumira-wings (a.k.a one of the characters from Melissa's blog)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Beware of people leaving their clothes in the dryer for you may just find a few pairs of random panties in your load of laundry.
I completely flipped when this happened to me earlier today and I still don't know what to do about the two panties lying on my bedroom floor. Do I throw them away? Do I throw them back into the dryer where I found them? Do I give them to the front desk? Nope, never mind. Scratch that last one. So totally inappropiate.
Well, then again...I am not known for being an appropiate person anyway...
P.S. I am going boy-crazy. I think.
I completely flipped when this happened to me earlier today and I still don't know what to do about the two panties lying on my bedroom floor. Do I throw them away? Do I throw them back into the dryer where I found them? Do I give them to the front desk? Nope, never mind. Scratch that last one. So totally inappropiate.
Well, then again...I am not known for being an appropiate person anyway...
P.S. I am going boy-crazy. I think.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Bestest night ever!!!
I thought today was turning out badly but I just went to the Clemson University Symphony Orchestra and listened to my friends Steven, Mira, and Jason perform with a wonderful group of musicians. I am so proud of them.
The musical pieces were dramatic and moving and all around splendor. I loved the surprise ending piece they had for us: Pirates of the Caribbean! (Did I spell that right? Oh well...) Then I ran all the way to Schilletter Dining Hall (in a skirt, no less) and ate two cookies (even though I swore that I would not eat anymore tonight. Newsflash: I am a...fatty!) and gulped down about three cups of milk: one chocolate, two white milk. Then my friends started talking about my other friend Brian and then lo and behold, who should be standing outside of the window but... Brian!
Speak of the devil.
So, since no one would get up from their seat to go get him, I jumped up in a hurry and ran outside to go talk to him. Then we heard these percussionists playing some unique-sounding music and I just stood there spellbound (though I really have had to go to the bathroom for the last, like, half-hour or something). Finally, a bunch of my friends started to take pictures so I took off again and left (I didn't want to accidentally be caught in one of them. I hate having my picture taken, as any of my friends will tell you). Now, I am sitting in Hendrix typing this up and guess where I am going next?
Probably back to my room to work on my whiz. Uh, I mean, quiz.
Peace. Out. My. Peeps.
The musical pieces were dramatic and moving and all around splendor. I loved the surprise ending piece they had for us: Pirates of the Caribbean! (Did I spell that right? Oh well...) Then I ran all the way to Schilletter Dining Hall (in a skirt, no less) and ate two cookies (even though I swore that I would not eat anymore tonight. Newsflash: I am a...fatty!) and gulped down about three cups of milk: one chocolate, two white milk. Then my friends started talking about my other friend Brian and then lo and behold, who should be standing outside of the window but... Brian!
Speak of the devil.
So, since no one would get up from their seat to go get him, I jumped up in a hurry and ran outside to go talk to him. Then we heard these percussionists playing some unique-sounding music and I just stood there spellbound (though I really have had to go to the bathroom for the last, like, half-hour or something). Finally, a bunch of my friends started to take pictures so I took off again and left (I didn't want to accidentally be caught in one of them. I hate having my picture taken, as any of my friends will tell you). Now, I am sitting in Hendrix typing this up and guess where I am going next?
Probably back to my room to work on my whiz. Uh, I mean, quiz.
Peace. Out. My. Peeps.
Today I take the time to acknowledge how unbelievable idiotic I am. I spent about half an hour preparing for the peer mentoring end-of-the-year party (what a long name?) and then a million things come up. I cannot decide what to wear, I run around trying to put on last-minute make-up, and I lose my glasses. This last little detail has me frantic as I search high and low for it. Finally, I end up asking my friends, Alex and Carolina, to come help me find them and they discover them in no time at all. (Apparently, my glasses were lying under my Winnie the Pooh table. And yes, I have a Winnie the Pooh table.)
Well, by the time all was said and done, I was already too late to go so I went to the Hendrix Student Center to type up this blog instead. Go...me.
Signing out,
Well, by the time all was said and done, I was already too late to go so I went to the Hendrix Student Center to type up this blog instead. Go...me.
Signing out,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fourth floor hangout
I am still thinking about him!!!!
Sorry. Anyway, here is what I really wanted to write about:
I am currently on the fourth floor of Brackett Hall (the social sciences building at my college) with two of my really good friends, Johnathon and Brian. We are all currently on our laptops doing various things: listening to music, typing up a story, etc.
I am trying desperately to write this story, but at the same time I have a dozen other stories and poems in my head that I will eventually have to get out onto paper. The worse thing is that I have two conflicting stories at the same time and the more I try to write them, the more they sound like each other. Hmmm...maybe I can combine them somehow?
I don't know. Maybe if my friend Melissa would actually come message me once in a while so I can talk to to her then things would be better. Oh well. She is going to be my roommate next year so there shall be no escape. Muhahahaha!
Looking forward to next year, I think I shall be much better off. I will be getting most of my requirements done and although my schedule is still screwed up, I will keep praying that someone will just drop a class I really need and then I can snatch it out from under the noses of those other greedy sophomores waiting to pounce.
I think I will get myself a meal plan, too. Most likely my friends won't be getting a meal plan anymore which means that I get to eat alone. Yay! I just hope I don't binge eat like I did this year. (So far, those added nine pounds aren't going anywhere.)
Finally, I shall be living near the middle of campus next year, so I plan to go to Fike more often to play racquetball or to use the elliptical machines. Too bad I still have a paranoia of other people so I wonder how much that will hinder me.
Gah!!! I hate all these stupid icons on my desktop!!! They are blocking my pretty anime pictures. *goes on a deleting spree*
There. Much better. Now I can actually see all of the pretty horses and the fluffy white clouds and...
Wow, I sound really girly. Ick.
Well, that's basically all I have to say for now. I think I will go check on what the other two are doing...
P.S. We are going to bake bread and watch movies on Saturday!!!
Wow, I sound like such a nerd. Pbbt. Whatever.
Sorry. Anyway, here is what I really wanted to write about:
I am currently on the fourth floor of Brackett Hall (the social sciences building at my college) with two of my really good friends, Johnathon and Brian. We are all currently on our laptops doing various things: listening to music, typing up a story, etc.
I am trying desperately to write this story, but at the same time I have a dozen other stories and poems in my head that I will eventually have to get out onto paper. The worse thing is that I have two conflicting stories at the same time and the more I try to write them, the more they sound like each other. Hmmm...maybe I can combine them somehow?
I don't know. Maybe if my friend Melissa would actually come message me once in a while so I can talk to to her then things would be better. Oh well. She is going to be my roommate next year so there shall be no escape. Muhahahaha!
Looking forward to next year, I think I shall be much better off. I will be getting most of my requirements done and although my schedule is still screwed up, I will keep praying that someone will just drop a class I really need and then I can snatch it out from under the noses of those other greedy sophomores waiting to pounce.
I think I will get myself a meal plan, too. Most likely my friends won't be getting a meal plan anymore which means that I get to eat alone. Yay! I just hope I don't binge eat like I did this year. (So far, those added nine pounds aren't going anywhere.)
Finally, I shall be living near the middle of campus next year, so I plan to go to Fike more often to play racquetball or to use the elliptical machines. Too bad I still have a paranoia of other people so I wonder how much that will hinder me.
Gah!!! I hate all these stupid icons on my desktop!!! They are blocking my pretty anime pictures. *goes on a deleting spree*
There. Much better. Now I can actually see all of the pretty horses and the fluffy white clouds and...
Wow, I sound really girly. Ick.
Well, that's basically all I have to say for now. I think I will go check on what the other two are doing...
P.S. We are going to bake bread and watch movies on Saturday!!!
Wow, I sound like such a nerd. Pbbt. Whatever.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Newfound revelations
Don't you just love redundant titles? I do. ^_^
Anyway, I have just had a "newfound revelation." Every time I am depressed or lonely, I tend to withdraw away from the world and hide from all of my friends. I don't call anybody, I turn down every invitation to go out and have fun, and I coop myself up into my room feeling all lonely and depressed and guess what? All that only makes me MORE lonely and MORE depressed. I had always thought that if my friends leave me out or if that no one likes me anymore, than I should leave them alone and let them just have fun with each other. Apparently, that isn't good for either me or my friends because I only grower sadder and the next time I run into my friends, they just ask where I have been all this time and why I don't hang out anymore. So now, I have decided to do the opposite.
I learned the same thing that George Costanza from Seinfeld learned: if everything you do in your life is just not working out for you, try doing the opposite of it all and watch your life turn around.
So today, I ran into this guy I have been trying to avoid for the past two weeks and a half and instead of freaking out like I usually do, I smiled and said "Hi." What a difference that made.
Again, when I was feeling lonely and missing my friends, I did not just sit around and mope about it. I sat down and wrote them letters. (I know, that's not exactly the logical thing to do, but I am not particurlarly logical anyway.) Then I thought of giving my friends the letters, but I was afraid to call them in the chance that I might be bothering them. However, instead of sitting down and overanalyzing everything, I called them anyway and I got to talk to my friends and deliver the letters. Yay! See, what a difference a little "opposite" makes.
Peace. Out. My. People. ^_^
Anyway, I have just had a "newfound revelation." Every time I am depressed or lonely, I tend to withdraw away from the world and hide from all of my friends. I don't call anybody, I turn down every invitation to go out and have fun, and I coop myself up into my room feeling all lonely and depressed and guess what? All that only makes me MORE lonely and MORE depressed. I had always thought that if my friends leave me out or if that no one likes me anymore, than I should leave them alone and let them just have fun with each other. Apparently, that isn't good for either me or my friends because I only grower sadder and the next time I run into my friends, they just ask where I have been all this time and why I don't hang out anymore. So now, I have decided to do the opposite.
I learned the same thing that George Costanza from Seinfeld learned: if everything you do in your life is just not working out for you, try doing the opposite of it all and watch your life turn around.
So today, I ran into this guy I have been trying to avoid for the past two weeks and a half and instead of freaking out like I usually do, I smiled and said "Hi." What a difference that made.
Again, when I was feeling lonely and missing my friends, I did not just sit around and mope about it. I sat down and wrote them letters. (I know, that's not exactly the logical thing to do, but I am not particurlarly logical anyway.) Then I thought of giving my friends the letters, but I was afraid to call them in the chance that I might be bothering them. However, instead of sitting down and overanalyzing everything, I called them anyway and I got to talk to my friends and deliver the letters. Yay! See, what a difference a little "opposite" makes.
Peace. Out. My. People. ^_^
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Day Two
So here I am on The Green Blog back for day two. I still don't have anything interesting to say so I will just continue to ramble on about what is going on in my life.
I watched the play "I Love You Because" for the second time on Friday and I have just finished my critique of the play for theatre class. I think I sound too overly excited in the critique, however. (The music from the play is still ringing in my head.)
I am afraid of becoming cynical since that's what happens to people who critique too many plays or watch all that behind-the-scenes stuff on those new release DVDs. I have seen it happen before. My RA, Valerie, is slightly cynical of musicals (she told me so when we were discussing the movie Sweeney Todd), this one critic named Sean who also critiqued "I Love You Because" is cynical and called the play nothing better than a popcorn summer movie. Even Matt Damon said that he was a cynic. I remember watching him on a talk show once and he said that the more you learn about how the movie industry works, the more cynical you get. Now I am paranoid that I will turn into this cynical, pessimistic "That wasn't all that special or memorable or great" kind of person because then I will lose the magic of it all.
Do you ever remember watching Disney movies as a kid or listening to songs and not really getting the meaning behind the words? Life was different back then. For some odd reason, I was swept away into the world of color and sound and characters as a kid but I was also sharply aware of things, too. I noticed things like when an artist made a mistake in drawing a character or when something happened in a cartoon that did not fit in with reality. I even noted when the lyrics of a song did not really make sense and I thought it strange that anyone would write a song that did not connect to its listeners because it had no reason or coherency to it whatsoever. Of course, I was still very young then and children tend to have a stricter perspective of what makes sense and what doesn't (ironic, isn't it?). Now, whenever I see something wacky in a cartoon, I just think, "It's a cartoon. They're allowed to do that." I don't question it as much anymore or try to make sense out of it. I guess you could say that I was more of a sensible adult when I was young and I am more of a kid now. *laughs* Life really isn't without a sense of irony.
I watched the play "I Love You Because" for the second time on Friday and I have just finished my critique of the play for theatre class. I think I sound too overly excited in the critique, however. (The music from the play is still ringing in my head.)
I am afraid of becoming cynical since that's what happens to people who critique too many plays or watch all that behind-the-scenes stuff on those new release DVDs. I have seen it happen before. My RA, Valerie, is slightly cynical of musicals (she told me so when we were discussing the movie Sweeney Todd), this one critic named Sean who also critiqued "I Love You Because" is cynical and called the play nothing better than a popcorn summer movie. Even Matt Damon said that he was a cynic. I remember watching him on a talk show once and he said that the more you learn about how the movie industry works, the more cynical you get. Now I am paranoid that I will turn into this cynical, pessimistic "That wasn't all that special or memorable or great" kind of person because then I will lose the magic of it all.
Do you ever remember watching Disney movies as a kid or listening to songs and not really getting the meaning behind the words? Life was different back then. For some odd reason, I was swept away into the world of color and sound and characters as a kid but I was also sharply aware of things, too. I noticed things like when an artist made a mistake in drawing a character or when something happened in a cartoon that did not fit in with reality. I even noted when the lyrics of a song did not really make sense and I thought it strange that anyone would write a song that did not connect to its listeners because it had no reason or coherency to it whatsoever. Of course, I was still very young then and children tend to have a stricter perspective of what makes sense and what doesn't (ironic, isn't it?). Now, whenever I see something wacky in a cartoon, I just think, "It's a cartoon. They're allowed to do that." I don't question it as much anymore or try to make sense out of it. I guess you could say that I was more of a sensible adult when I was young and I am more of a kid now. *laughs* Life really isn't without a sense of irony.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Bloggin' is the shiz
Hi. Um...this is, wait a minute, why would I put my real name up here? Anyway, this is jumira-wings and I am blogging. Well, obviously. Why can't I ever think of anything interesting to say?
Wait a second: I'm blogging. *digests the meaning of the words*
Hey, everybody! It's so good to meet you! Well, I am glad you're here and we will get started soon. I am just so excited to be able to meet you all and I hope we can be the best of friends. Now, I must warn you ahead of time that I happen to be a very strange, long-winded, and (at times) a very boring individual. Hopefully, you will be able to see past all that and really get to know me.
Well, that's all I have to say about that.
Um...what else should I talk about?
Oh, yes, I forgot to properly introduce myself. How silly of me. As I said before, I leave my real name unattached and resolve to go by the fakeness of a pen name instead. (It's more fun anyway.) Besides, fakeness isn't all that bad. I just read a lovely quote today that said:
"He gave her a dozen roses. 11 real, 1 fake and said to her, 'I'll love you until the last rose dies.'"
~Facebook bumper sticker
How about that, huh? So fake things aren't always bad. Besides, if I didn't fake being sweet and gentle all the time, I am pretty sure I would not have any friends.
Oh, right, the introduction. Well, I am eighteen at the moment, and I am an aspiring writer/poet, clumsy teenager, college kid (or klutz, to be more accurate), and I will most likely be one of the more bizarre people you will ever meet (well, maybe read about since this is not a face-to-face conversation). I like being bizarre, however. It makes life interesting. Besides, I tried being normal for a few days once and it didn't work out. I found myself incredibly boring.
Anyway, that is all that I shall etch onto this green blog right now and I hope to hear from you soon. ^_^
P.S. I LOVE going off on tangents (in case you haven't noticed). I love them like peanut butter loves jelly. Or milk loves cookies. Or...*rambles on incessantly while everyone leaves the room rolling their eyes*
Wait a second: I'm blogging. *digests the meaning of the words*
Hey, everybody! It's so good to meet you! Well, I am glad you're here and we will get started soon. I am just so excited to be able to meet you all and I hope we can be the best of friends. Now, I must warn you ahead of time that I happen to be a very strange, long-winded, and (at times) a very boring individual. Hopefully, you will be able to see past all that and really get to know me.
Well, that's all I have to say about that.
Um...what else should I talk about?
Oh, yes, I forgot to properly introduce myself. How silly of me. As I said before, I leave my real name unattached and resolve to go by the fakeness of a pen name instead. (It's more fun anyway.) Besides, fakeness isn't all that bad. I just read a lovely quote today that said:
"He gave her a dozen roses. 11 real, 1 fake and said to her, 'I'll love you until the last rose dies.'"
~Facebook bumper sticker
How about that, huh? So fake things aren't always bad. Besides, if I didn't fake being sweet and gentle all the time, I am pretty sure I would not have any friends.
Oh, right, the introduction. Well, I am eighteen at the moment, and I am an aspiring writer/poet, clumsy teenager, college kid (or klutz, to be more accurate), and I will most likely be one of the more bizarre people you will ever meet (well, maybe read about since this is not a face-to-face conversation). I like being bizarre, however. It makes life interesting. Besides, I tried being normal for a few days once and it didn't work out. I found myself incredibly boring.
Anyway, that is all that I shall etch onto this green blog right now and I hope to hear from you soon. ^_^
P.S. I LOVE going off on tangents (in case you haven't noticed). I love them like peanut butter loves jelly. Or milk loves cookies. Or...*rambles on incessantly while everyone leaves the room rolling their eyes*
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- jumira-wings
- Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.