Wednesday, August 7, 2013


You ever have one of those experiences where you're looking at something and you read one letter off and the entire meaning changes? I had one of those experiences today. I was in the check-out line of the grocery store looking at the Reader's Digest magazine on the rack. There was a title in the corner that read "Heroes who make the world more fun." I read the "o" as a "p" and thought it said, "Herpes who make the world more fun." I started to laugh. When it was my turn, the cashier asked in a bland, automatic way, "How you doing?"  I responded with, "I'm feeling GREAT." She looked up for scanning my groceries and saw the stupid grin on my face. That made her grin, too. When I was done, she handed me my receipt, smiled, and said, "Have a great day."

"You too!" I said, positively beaming at her. I'm sure she thought I was high or on drugs or something.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.