Tuesday, June 4, 2013


The nice weather held so I took a walk through downtown in the morning. I never noticed how nice downtown looked. There's all these trees and cute shops. It was Sunday so there were pretty ladies in pretty dresses and high heels strolling through downtown, probably on their way to church. Plenty of people were walking outside with children and infants in strollers. I suppose there's more children here and less dogs. Usually, when I take my Sunday morning walks in New York City, there's always a lot more people walking cute dogs rather than taking walks with their children. I also stopped by the local library. I had looked it up on a map earlier and found that it was right downtown. I had probably driven past it several times without realizing that it was the library. Indeed, once I reached the library, it was this was stone building that was set back from the road and shaded by trees so it was hard to see it from the road. The library was closed on Sundays over the summer, but it was open until nine pm on the weekdays so I'll probably stop by some day after work and get myself a new library card. I sure am going to miss my old library however. It was beautiful and had that giant skylight over the main area. I wonder if this library is nice, too.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning out more of the kitchen--kitchen utensils this time--and talking to my new roommate, Tefla. She is half-Kuwaiti and half-Egyptian. She speaks fluent Arabic and wears black most of the time. I also noticed that she wore a headscarf whenever she went in public but not when she was at home. As a matter of fact, when she was at home, she dressed in a tank top and took off her headscarf, opting to pin her hair back with a giant fluffy pin instead. She's really pretty, too, all olive skin, slim figure, and large eyes. We talked for a long time while eating dinner, mostly about our home countries and different languages. Apparently, Tefla came to America on a scholarship and, in return, she is supposed to go back to her home country and teach for a few years. I wish I could have gotten a deal like that. I would love to have a scholarship to go to school and then go to Vietnam to teach for a few years. Maybe I'll get to do that one day.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.