Saturday, February 2, 2013

Beautiful Women

The other day I was sitting in the kitchen of my house talking to my roommate. I looked up from the table and she looked up at the same time. That was when I realized how beautiful my roommate looked. I'm serious. She's this girl from Nepal with a round face, high cheekbones, and very straight teeth. She has smooth, caramel-colored skin and the most gorgeous long black hair I've ever seen. My other roommates are quite good-looking, too and sometimes I envy them. Other times, I feel like I'm living out one of those manga stories where there's a bathhouse or a dormitory and all of the women there just happen to be unbelievably attractive. Sometimes, I'm just struck by how beautiful women can be and I can see why they are called the "fairer sex."

Then there will be times when I'll be out in public and see a woman who's so beautiful that it makes me do a double take. Or it'll be the first day of class and when we go around the room to introduce ourselves, I learn the names of some of the most beautiful women I've ever set eyes on. Seriously, these women do not have makeup on, their hair isn't done, and they're not wearing fancy clothes yet the mere sight of them is very aesthetically pleasing. So maybe I sound like a lesbian, but hey, even I can appreciate the beauty of my fellow females.

And I thought impossibly beautiful women only existed in movies and Victor Hugo novels...

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.