Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Peaceful easy feeling

I was driving home today, around ten at night, when I realized that I was feeling at peace with myself. I felt like an adult. I had moved far away from home and was making a life for myself. I went to class, I paid my bills, I'm able to live on my own...I felt very responsible. I felt capable of doing things that many people twice my age couldn't do. I looked around me as I was driving and the city lights seemed peaceful. They weren't glaring and they didn't blind me. The trees, too, silhouetted against the night sky, didn't seem to stand out any more than anything else. In other words, I felt like everything in the world had equal weight-- like nothing was more important than anything else, like no person was more important than anyone else. It was nice, this peaceful feeling. Then as I neared home, I thought, either I'm feeling very peaceful or I'm just very sleepy. Knowing me, it was probably the latter. Still, it was a nice feeling, kind of like that peaceful, floaty feeling you get right before you fall asleep. Good thing I was almost home. Almost home.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.