Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Journey to the past

You ever have one of those moments when songs just pop into your head? I was driving home the other day when a song from my childhood popped into my head. The lyrics go:

Heart, don't fail me now
Courage, don't desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say
Life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear...

Or how the road can seem so long
Or how the world can seem so vast
Courage, see me through
Heart, I'm trusting you
On this journey...
To the past.

~"Journey to the Past" from the animated motion picture Anastasia by 20th Century Fox

This song came at an opportune time. Once again, I was feeling unsure about my future, unsure whether I would ever amount to anything or if I could ever live a life where I didn't have to worry about money. In spite of the multiple times I tell myself to trust my decisions, to trust God, to trust in my future and that everything will turn out okay, I still have doubts. I've never met with much success in my life, and so it feels as if the doubt and uncertainty is always what I fall back on. The song lyrics, however, gave me some hope. I may have lots of trust issues, but maybe I can learn to trust a little at a time, a day at a time. "Courage, see me through, heart, I'm trusting you..." Maybe one day, those words will ring true for me.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.