Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sept. 22, 2012--Part III

On the plus side, I made black bean burgers today! They were so good! That's when I realized that my dad was right about cooking all along: It's gotta have flavor. It's gotta have taste. And today, I figured out the secret ingredient to infusing flavor in food: spices. I've always underestimated the power of spices. I only used them when a recipe called for them, and didn't really experiment with adding spices into food. I experimented flavoring food with sauces and marinating, but not with spices. Now that I have a new tool in my arsenal, I can learn to test out different flavors.

And the black bean burgers were delicious! So full of flavor, thanks to the cumin spice. I'm going to make these all the time now. They're inexpensive, easy to prepare, and they make for a great vegetarian meal packed with protein. Man, I sound like an advertisement. "Black bean burgers! Get them while they're here! Get them while they're hot!"

Next time, I'm trying refried beans in a corn tortilla. Wish me luck!

P.S. While I was at the grocery store today, I met some men who were endorsing a drive to support our troops. I bought some razors and shaving cream for them, but I walked away feeling unsure of myself, especially since I'm ambivalent about the military...

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.