Monday, October 15, 2012

Bringing things up

I feel like I made Matt frustrated today. I mean, is it any good to bring something up if it is already too late to do something about it? I think I just made him feel confused; maybe he even felt attacked. I probably should work on that...

Also, at my internship today, a client mentioned how "if someone wants to do something, it's all on them. Changing people, places, and things is nice, but nothing's going to work if you don't change yourself." He gave many examples of how people have fought past temptation and/or bad influence to come out a strong, well-adjusted person. While I feel like his preachings have a strong "free will and individualistic" bent, I do think that there's something to it. There has to be something said for people who resist peer pressure, societal influences, and toxic environments to come out their own person. It reminded me of my (mostly) vegetarian diet and whether I should do something about it. His words also made me think about the contrast between my brother and me. While we had the same parents and grew up in the same household, the same neighborhood, we turned out to be very different people. Is this a result of biology or individual will? Probably a little bit of both. I believe that biological tendencies will make someone more prone to be risk-taking (like my brother) or risk-aversive (like me). Then again, we can also make our own choices, though I, for one, know how hard it is to go against one's nature.

This is something I want to explore more later on.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.