Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sept. 2, 2012

Today I tried going to a Lutheran church service only to find out that I had gotten the time wrong and that the service began at 9:30, not 10. I also saw a big banner across the street from the Lutheran church that said something like:

Love Thy Neighbor
Thy homeless neighbor
Thy Muslim neighbor
Thy black neighbor
Thy gay neighbor
Thy white neighbor
Thy Jewish neighbor
Thy Christian neighbor
Thy transgendered neighbor
Thy atheist neighbor
Thy racist neighbor
Thy addicted neighbor

I liked the banner and how it was so prominently displayed. It's not likely I would see that in my hometown down South. Now I didn't have a problem loving any of those...well, except the racist neighbor, but then again, my mother is a racist and I still love her, so what are you going to do?

Also, I realized that I don't have to pay the parking meter on a weekend. Or in the evening. Or at anytime that wasn't Mon-Fri, 8 am-6pm. I guess I didn't much attention to the sign on the parking meter.

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