Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sept. 11, 2012

It's been eleven years since it's happened. September 11. I was walking around campus today and a fellow student commented on how surprised she was that none of our teachers had mentioned September 11th. Not once. I agreed; it was strange. Right then, we passed a man sitting in a mail truck with the radio on. The radio announcer was talking about Ground Zero.

"They're talking about September 11," she pointed out. Yet she was right--none of our teachers mentioned it. Not that morning and not for the rest of the day. Maybe because it was too close and personal? Maybe they had lost someone in the attacks? Or was it because September 11 was starting to become "old news"? How could it be old news? I thought. It was a mere eleven years ago. Then again, it might seem like old news to some people. To others, it might have seemed like it was just last year and the pain is still fresh. I didn't know, but I wondered.

I wondered.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.