Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sept. 1, 2012

Just went to the local library today and, dear lard, IT'S SO BRIGHT IN HERE. The ceiling is a muted skylight so during the day, there so much natural light flowing in that it's almost blinding. My first reaction was awe and amazement followed by: It's so gorgeo--IT HURTS MY EYES. Looking at the skylight was similar to looking at the sun--brilliant but blinding.

The library's fairly big, too, although I thought it was strange that the children's media and young adult media was enclosed by glass walls, cordoned off from the rest of the library. Why was this? Was it because they made too much noise? Was it because they bothered people? Was it cordoned off so they could read in peace? Who knows? All I know is that they have a book I want to read and I can't check it out because I can't get a library card. They want proof that I live here and I can't provide it.

On the plus side, the library is open on Sunday and they also have a bulletin board advertising local events. I took down a phone number for square dancing lessons and perused over another advert for local writing submissions.

When I came home, my landlady had awoken from her nap and I helped her set up the microwave and the coffeemaker for the house. Then she made a cup of coffee and we had a long talk about life. I made her a cup of my herbal tea...and she liked it! Before she had to go to work, we tried setting up the internet, to no avail. After that, her family came over to hang out, but me, being the antisocial person I am, withdrew to the front porch to read my fantasy novel instead.

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.