Thursday, January 13, 2011

Of birthdays and gingerbread

My roommate is asleep in the next room. It's his freaking birthday right now and all he could do was groan when I knocked on his door and wished him a happy birthday. People these days. Not even being happy that it's their birthday...

Not that I'm one to talk since I hardly celebrate my own birthday...

Anyway, I looked up the recipe for gingerbread cookies because those are his favorite. I'm going to go back to my hometown this weekend, buy some ingredients and see what I can whip up. Maybe I should go all out and do gingerbread, toffee cookies, AND a cheesecake. Well...I suppose that IS sugar overload. Plus, he doesn't like sweets that much so baking all three would be going overboard. Maybe I'll do them one by one throughout the year instead.

Today was the first day of classes; everything went well. I got all the classes I wanted and I'm off to a good start for my last semester in college. I was writing about that today when I realized that today would be my LAST first day of school. It makes me sit back and reflect upon life. Mostly because of the fact that no matter how bad things seem, they always turn out better than I expect.

Here's to another great school year and lots more baking!

1 comment:

  1. If you think it feels weird on the first day of the last undergrad semester you'll ever have, just wait till the first day of your last week of your last semester. Hehe.


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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.