Being the non-girly girl I am, I'd never thought I would say this wardrobe needs an overhaul. I caught a glimpse of myself in a reflectionand my mouth turned down into a look of shock and distaste. I looked like a mousy bag lady!
I suppose the reason I have never been shopping for my own clothes is lack of money and the fact that I'm too sentimental to some articles of clothing to let them go. Well, now is the time to let them go. I need to pick my own fashion sense from now on.
Problem is...I still don't have the money for it. All of my earnings from my part-time job goes to paying bills and groceries so that's barely any left. The money that is left I want to save in case an emergency comes up or if I need to pay medical bills. Well...I suppose the new wardrobe will have to wait a few more years.
I understand your pain