I love foggy mornings. Well, except when I'm driving. Then, foggy mornings are just dangerous. I was walking to school today and there was so much fog that I could only see fifty meters in front of me. I felt like I was on Skull Island with the green treetops floating disembodied in the fog. Cars driving by disappeared into this thick mist...and looked like they were never going to be seen again. It felt like some mysterious fantasy world. Like some exotic island meets a dream realm.
Anyway, a voice called from behind me and it turned out to be this Chinese graduate student that came to Java City once. She struck up a conversation with me and we ended up talking the entire 15 minute walk to campus. She was speaking to me in a foreign language at first because she thought I was Chinese. I had to explain to her that sadly, I did not know how to speak her native language. We continued the conversation anyway and she managed in slightly broken English. Needless to say, I did not have time to wax poetic about the fog anymore, but it had lifted by the time I reached campus anyway.
The second image happened when I was walking to my apartment. There was a maintenance man on the roof of the apartment complex who was using a leaf blower to clear the leaves out of the gutters. (I don't know how he does that! I'd be so afraid of falling.) When the leaves came out of the gutters, they fluttered in glittering splendor to the ground. It was amazing to watch the air sparkle around them, like the space they inhabited was teeming with magic and the secrets of life.
The last image is not really an image but something that made Craig laugh. It began with this list. You see, I made a list of my personality flaws because I'm on a quest to correct them. Well, I showed Craig the list today and he cracked up when he read a few of them. For example, I wrote "forgetfulness" as one of my personality flaws and for the fix, I wrote: "(Get a Remembrall?)" However, the thing that made Craig crack up was the fact that I had written "worrier" as one of my flaws. He had misread it as "warrior" so he immediately thought of Xena: Warriior Princess. Possessing the creative mind he does, he made up the nickname "Worrier Princess" for me. And then proceeded to laugh about it for the next ten minutes.
I think I'll use that as my alias from now on.
Signing out,
Jumira the Worrier Princess
I love your new nickname! Mine are never interesting.
ReplyDeleteI like your nicknames. I especially like the name of your blog Funyun Fight! That's why I started reading it in the first place.