Thursday, September 3, 2009

Procrastination and observations

I sliced my ankle open today. (That's a great opening line, isn't it?). Of course it hurt like crazy, but then I bandaged it up and it didn't hurt anymore. Well, until later. Sadly, it got worse as the day went on and by nightfall, I had trouble driving back to my apartment (it was my right ankle that was sliced). I had to use my left foot for the brake since it hurt to use my right one. The good news is that no one noticed the giant, makeshift band-aid I put over it. Or maybe they did notice but just didn't care (or were too polite to say anything).

I spent psychology class scribbling down Powerpoint notes and then making lists when I was supposed to be listening to my teacher. I decided to quiz myself on how well I remembered things so I listed all the states of the US (I got up to 46. What were the last 4?!). Then, since I'm a fan of anime, I tried listing all 52 Clow Cards and all 150 Pokemon. I got up to 30 Clow Cards (yeah, I didn't follow the show as closely as I should have), and 130 Pokemon (woo-hoo! That's a record!).

Then I was distracted during English class (how am I going to pay my electric bill on time?!) when my teacher asked me what "struck dumb" meant. Well, guess what? I was struck dumb. In the end, I just told him that I didn't know what it meant (I DO know what it means, but I thought he had said "struck down" and I didn't know if he wanted a literal translation or a more figurative one relating to the text). Then I went on to say that I thought I had understood the reading assignment when I read it alone, but I kept getting more and more confused as we discussed it in class (which was true). Luckily, that saved me, and he didn't call on me the rest of class. As a matter of fact, he took what I said and turned it into a positive thing. "You should be confused," he said. "If you're confused, then it means that you don't understand the material as much as you think you do." I understood what he meant. In some weird way.

I rode the bus today and the guy with the shy eyes was on the bus ride. YES! Now that I know his routine, I can get on the 11:28 bus every Tuesday and Thursday and stalk him. Mwahahaha. No really, though. I was happy to see him. I was even happier when I saw him sit next to this pretty girl and then he got off the bus with her too. There might be something there. Oooh, I love watching real-life, "potential" romances.

While I was waiting for the bus ride home, I called my friend Jenny. She's 14 and acts very much like an American teenager. "My friend keeps complaining. She goes on and on and on and ON. All of my other friends are like, 'We get it.' UGH! It's SO annoying!" She says to me. Well, guess what, Jenny? You're complaining too. But then again, I understand her. Everyone needs someone to blow off steam to...unfortunately, the person they always go to is me. And then the bus came so I said I would call her back later.

I hummed "Bridge Over Troubled Water" on the ride home. Quietly, of course, I didn't want anyone to hear me. Well, not that they could hear me anyway over the loud, lazy vroom-vroom of the CATbus.

Well, when I got home, I saw the cheesecake Johnathon baked for John's birthday and I forgot all about calling Jenny back. Raven was inspired and said that she wanted to make chocolate chip cookies so she sent the two "Jon's" out to the grocery store for flour, butter, and ice cream (the ice cream was for sundaes, not cookies). Well, they go. And we wait. For an HOUR. And then Jonathan calls and says that they went to Bojangles to go eat and he forgot we were waiting for him to come back with the flour and butter. Way to go, buddy.

Truthfully, it didn't bother me. Raven even foretold that they were going to go somewhere and forget about us. And she was right. I just went back to campus to do homework and talk to Melissa.

Anyway, Melissa hit it off with Neha, my interviewee. They went shopping together. I SHOULD say that I'm very jealous but then again, I don't like to go shopping I am glad that they are becoming friends. That's the second time I've successfully put two friends together. Woot! Score one for me.

Time for me to fait dos-dos,


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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.