1) I KNEW that I was going to end up typing in the website address for blogger.com wrong someday and for all I know, it was going to lead me to some porn/hookup blogging site....Well, okay, that wasn't really what happened, but I DID type it in wrong once and it brought me to bloger.com, a family ancestry site where you can find out all about your family name, heiritage, where you come from, etc. Hmmm...I wonder where I come from.... Maybe I'll try it one day. Just log on, type in my name, and then...OH YEAH, I come from Vietnam DUH. As if it wasn't written all over my name. You can't get any more Viet than that. Well, except maybe for my first name since my father told me that it's originally from Chinese. In that case, I might have some mixed blood in me. Bloger.com might come in handy, after all...
2) Whenever I have bed head, I look like Mick Jagger. Well, Mick Jagger if he had a buck-tooth smile.
3) Taking five-hour long naps after losing sleep for three days on end = Mental alertnes. Yep.
4) Going to a symphony orchestra performance where they don't give you a surprise piece at the end...BLOWS.
5) Doing the same kind of exercise day after day does not stay new. It really does become monotonous after a while and then you only look forward to going to the gym to listen to your iPod and watching all the hot guys work out. Not that I would know, of course...
6) Walking around campus with a katana-like sword = subtle coolness. Plus, it's a good conversation starter.
7) Trees around campus fall down for no apparent reason and then spend all day blocking the entire road so that people are late for class. Go. Mother. Nature.
8) The library WILL fine you whole dollar amounts for returning things just a few days late and half of the time when you go to return them, they will mostly likely be closed. Then the other half of the time, the library will clear off a fine you have for no apparent reason.
9) Things that are dropped into the reflection pond will (surprisingly) remain there for a while before disappearing.
10) I jizzed in my pants. Whatever that means.
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