So today, I took a LONG walk out to Super Taco. By myself. In the scorching sun. It was awesome. Don't get me wrong though. I wasn't by myself for long. A couple of my new friends were going to meet there and guess what? We had a good time (well, I had one of the best times of my life, but I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that the others had a good time as well).
Here's who showed up:
Matt--the one who friended me on Facebook after the piano recital and through him, I met a gazillion other friends.
Ashley--A girl with a brazenly hilarious attitude. According to what she said to Matt, she expects everyone to love her the first (and a half) time they meet her. It didn't take me much to like her.
Ashley's two friends (whom I was never introduced to formally but then again, they and Ashley didn't stay long).
Rachel--a Clemson graduate student in environmental science. Fashionable and uncommonly courteous, she (sadly) didn't stay long after we ate at Super Taco.
McKay--Matt's friend I had met previously while at the piano recital. A guy who accidentally locked his keys in his car and had to have Matt pick him up.
Jim--McKay's friend who was relatively more quiet than the either Matt or McKay and who admits to having a "dirty mind."
And last but never least, Angela--a girl who reminded me of a bunch of celebrities all rolled in one. She looked a lot like someone famous, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Other than that, she resembled Dakota Fanning and Keira Knightley. Also dressed like she belonged in a Tim Burton movie. Very cool.
Later that night, I met up with some of the same people (McKay, Matt, and Angela) at Nick's and then met some of their other friends. Mostly, we sat around Nick's drinking beer (I, forever the oddball, drank sweet tea) and played Uno. Matt wanted to play Mousetrap but apparently, not enough people felt the same way he did. So shortly after we played Uno, he left to go practice piano again. McKay and I struck up a match of Scrabble instead and we had various people watching us throughout the game including:
Paul--a guy who I swear I had seen somewhere but don't remember where (maybe from Brian's apartment?)
Ashe--definitely a guy who used to hang out in Brian's apartment but when I asked him, he doesn't seem to remember Brian or his other friend, Russ.
And Anne from Moe Joe's (and my psychology class).
The last thing I wanted to say was that it was the first time in a long time that I I did a lot of running today. Not exercise running. Just more of like an urge to run wherever I went and for some reason, it made me feel so free. Made me feel unrestrained, uninhibited. I even ran past Dalton on my way back to my dorm and I almost turned to say hi to him...but then decided against it. For once, I wasn't running away from my past; I was running towards my future. I had a future now, a future I wanted to live. That was it, wasn't it? For the first time in so long, I had a reason to live. Now I understand why people not just WANT companionship, but NEED it. It makes them feel alive. It makes them feel wanted and worthy and valuable. Now I understand. And now I can truly live.
I love my friends. I love my family. I love my life. I love me. All of a sudden, having around 60 more years to live on this earth...doesn't seem so bad.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
April 20, 2009
I was lying in bed
Eyes closed but not yet asleep
And then I heard
Heavy rain outside my window
Muted against the windowpanes
And I thought of you
And the rain reminded me of
Marching drumbeats
And little feet
(Did I just see lightning?)
And of old times passed
I thought about how the rain
The same droplet
Was recycled over and over again
Was it the same rain that fell
During the Great Flood?
Or during Caesar’s lifetime?
Was it snow at one point?
Or hail?
Or was it the rain
That fell mainly in the plain
In Spain?
Or maybe I was just over-imaginative
And should get some sleep.
Eyes closed but not yet asleep
And then I heard
Heavy rain outside my window
Muted against the windowpanes
And I thought of you
And the rain reminded me of
Marching drumbeats
And little feet
(Did I just see lightning?)
And of old times passed
I thought about how the rain
The same droplet
Was recycled over and over again
Was it the same rain that fell
During the Great Flood?
Or during Caesar’s lifetime?
Was it snow at one point?
Or hail?
Or was it the rain
That fell mainly in the plain
In Spain?
Or maybe I was just over-imaginative
And should get some sleep.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The first time in weeks
Today was the first time in weeks that I have been able to really hang out with friends. What with the year ending so soon, everyone is so piled with projects, papers, and exams to truly spend quality time together.
The morning started off great. I woke up two minutes before my alarm was supposed to ring and then I decided to skip out on breakfast so I could check e-mail instead. And, on the plus side, it was Friday so in my first psychology class, that meant that the teacher would show funny online videos that people had submitted. This time, we had a video courtesy of one of the TAs (apparently, they like to go on Youtube every once in a while to look up videos as well). This one was called "My Pathetic Ex-Boyfriend" and it featured this guy who was trying to make an apology video to his girlfriend but he kept breaking down and crying halfway through. This meant that he had to restart whatever he was saying quite a few times and near the end, he even tried taking off his shirt and do a so-called "sexy" dance for her. It cracked us up. (Well, except for a few girls sitting behind me who kept saying "" whenever the guy tried to take his shirt off). Hah.
Interesting fact from my second psychology class: In prehistoric times, the life expectancy of humans was only 18 years. "Can you believe that? We'd all be dead," stated my teacher, addressing the class. Assuming that everyone in the classroom was at least 18 years of age (of which I have no doubt), this would be very true.
Before going to my piano lesson, I was walking to Harcombe to stuff my face when I saw a fairly large crowd gathered on Cox Plaza. I passed by with only mild curiosity before I realized that they were grouped around these blue barricades. It came as an even bigger shock when I realized that the man in on the front of the newspaper I was reading matched the man who was
standing behind the barricades. It's the same guy, I thought. It's Brother Micah!
That wasn't the last I heard of him either. After I came back to the dorm from piano practice, Craig and I went outside to meet Vincey and there he was, still preaching. We even found a picture someone had made of Brother Micah on one of the tables in Loggia. It was a parody of him, I believe, since it pictured a troll dressed up in suit. Coincidentally, Brother Micah came into Loggia to "go pee" (as Craig called it), and not surprisingly, had to be escorted by cops to the bathroom. I stared at the parody of him that I held in my hand. "He doesn't look anything like his picture." I commented.
Well, I'm assuming Brother Micah left because most of the group gathered on Cox Plaza dispersed after that. Craig, Vincey, and I decided to head out to Moe Joe's for a good time of loafing around doing nothing. We met Anne, a girl in one of my psychology classes, in Moe Joe's and I was surprised to find that she had worked in Moe Joe's for so long since I never see her there. After half an hour of talking, we found that Vincey was hungry and the rest of us couldn't figure out what we wanted to do.
At some point during the conversation, I realized that I didn't get my father anything for his birthday so we all went to Hallmark so I could buy him a card. Finally, we realized that we might as well eat so we called up Jaclyn and waited for her to pick us up so all four of us could eat at Super Taco.
Craig tried lying across the sofa in Moe Joe's while we waited and it would have been fine any other day, but this time, Vincey and I were sitting on it so he kind of had to...lie across us. This was so NOT awkward when my psychology teacher walked in on us like that. I could have just been like, "Yeah...this is what I do in my free time, hang out in coffee shops and let guys try, well call it a social experiment, on me..." Luckily, my teacher was cool about it and even more luckily, Jaclyn came and picked us up before Craig could think up of other "positions" he'd like to try.
Super Taco was surprisingly good for such cheap food. We all sat and stared at Craig's funny-looking enchilada and Jaclyn told us stories about her family issues and we freaked out when Johnny came in. (At least, I'm assuming it was Johnny.)
Lastly...Les Poissons! Les Poissons! Hee hee hee! Haw Haw Haw! Yep, Jaclyn had that on her iPod and everyone joined in a chorus of the ever-loving French chef and his morbid obsession of singing about seafood. The last bonus was returning to Moe Joe's for a third time to visit Carly (and get free stuff!). I had contracted a stomachache while at Super Taco so I bowed out and left early. What happened to the other three after that...who knows?
The morning started off great. I woke up two minutes before my alarm was supposed to ring and then I decided to skip out on breakfast so I could check e-mail instead. And, on the plus side, it was Friday so in my first psychology class, that meant that the teacher would show funny online videos that people had submitted. This time, we had a video courtesy of one of the TAs (apparently, they like to go on Youtube every once in a while to look up videos as well). This one was called "My Pathetic Ex-Boyfriend" and it featured this guy who was trying to make an apology video to his girlfriend but he kept breaking down and crying halfway through. This meant that he had to restart whatever he was saying quite a few times and near the end, he even tried taking off his shirt and do a so-called "sexy" dance for her. It cracked us up. (Well, except for a few girls sitting behind me who kept saying "" whenever the guy tried to take his shirt off). Hah.
Interesting fact from my second psychology class: In prehistoric times, the life expectancy of humans was only 18 years. "Can you believe that? We'd all be dead," stated my teacher, addressing the class. Assuming that everyone in the classroom was at least 18 years of age (of which I have no doubt), this would be very true.
Before going to my piano lesson, I was walking to Harcombe to stuff my face when I saw a fairly large crowd gathered on Cox Plaza. I passed by with only mild curiosity before I realized that they were grouped around these blue barricades. It came as an even bigger shock when I realized that the man in on the front of the newspaper I was reading matched the man who was
standing behind the barricades. It's the same guy, I thought. It's Brother Micah!
That wasn't the last I heard of him either. After I came back to the dorm from piano practice, Craig and I went outside to meet Vincey and there he was, still preaching. We even found a picture someone had made of Brother Micah on one of the tables in Loggia. It was a parody of him, I believe, since it pictured a troll dressed up in suit. Coincidentally, Brother Micah came into Loggia to "go pee" (as Craig called it), and not surprisingly, had to be escorted by cops to the bathroom. I stared at the parody of him that I held in my hand. "He doesn't look anything like his picture." I commented.
Well, I'm assuming Brother Micah left because most of the group gathered on Cox Plaza dispersed after that. Craig, Vincey, and I decided to head out to Moe Joe's for a good time of loafing around doing nothing. We met Anne, a girl in one of my psychology classes, in Moe Joe's and I was surprised to find that she had worked in Moe Joe's for so long since I never see her there. After half an hour of talking, we found that Vincey was hungry and the rest of us couldn't figure out what we wanted to do.
At some point during the conversation, I realized that I didn't get my father anything for his birthday so we all went to Hallmark so I could buy him a card. Finally, we realized that we might as well eat so we called up Jaclyn and waited for her to pick us up so all four of us could eat at Super Taco.
Craig tried lying across the sofa in Moe Joe's while we waited and it would have been fine any other day, but this time, Vincey and I were sitting on it so he kind of had to...lie across us. This was so NOT awkward when my psychology teacher walked in on us like that. I could have just been like, "Yeah...this is what I do in my free time, hang out in coffee shops and let guys try, well call it a social experiment, on me..." Luckily, my teacher was cool about it and even more luckily, Jaclyn came and picked us up before Craig could think up of other "positions" he'd like to try.
Super Taco was surprisingly good for such cheap food. We all sat and stared at Craig's funny-looking enchilada and Jaclyn told us stories about her family issues and we freaked out when Johnny came in. (At least, I'm assuming it was Johnny.)
Lastly...Les Poissons! Les Poissons! Hee hee hee! Haw Haw Haw! Yep, Jaclyn had that on her iPod and everyone joined in a chorus of the ever-loving French chef and his morbid obsession of singing about seafood. The last bonus was returning to Moe Joe's for a third time to visit Carly (and get free stuff!). I had contracted a stomachache while at Super Taco so I bowed out and left early. What happened to the other three after that...who knows?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Some realizations
1) I KNEW that I was going to end up typing in the website address for wrong someday and for all I know, it was going to lead me to some porn/hookup blogging site....Well, okay, that wasn't really what happened, but I DID type it in wrong once and it brought me to, a family ancestry site where you can find out all about your family name, heiritage, where you come from, etc. Hmmm...I wonder where I come from.... Maybe I'll try it one day. Just log on, type in my name, and then...OH YEAH, I come from Vietnam DUH. As if it wasn't written all over my name. You can't get any more Viet than that. Well, except maybe for my first name since my father told me that it's originally from Chinese. In that case, I might have some mixed blood in me. might come in handy, after all...
2) Whenever I have bed head, I look like Mick Jagger. Well, Mick Jagger if he had a buck-tooth smile.
3) Taking five-hour long naps after losing sleep for three days on end = Mental alertnes. Yep.
4) Going to a symphony orchestra performance where they don't give you a surprise piece at the end...BLOWS.
5) Doing the same kind of exercise day after day does not stay new. It really does become monotonous after a while and then you only look forward to going to the gym to listen to your iPod and watching all the hot guys work out. Not that I would know, of course...
6) Walking around campus with a katana-like sword = subtle coolness. Plus, it's a good conversation starter.
7) Trees around campus fall down for no apparent reason and then spend all day blocking the entire road so that people are late for class. Go. Mother. Nature.
8) The library WILL fine you whole dollar amounts for returning things just a few days late and half of the time when you go to return them, they will mostly likely be closed. Then the other half of the time, the library will clear off a fine you have for no apparent reason.
9) Things that are dropped into the reflection pond will (surprisingly) remain there for a while before disappearing.
10) I jizzed in my pants. Whatever that means.
2) Whenever I have bed head, I look like Mick Jagger. Well, Mick Jagger if he had a buck-tooth smile.
3) Taking five-hour long naps after losing sleep for three days on end = Mental alertnes. Yep.
4) Going to a symphony orchestra performance where they don't give you a surprise piece at the end...BLOWS.
5) Doing the same kind of exercise day after day does not stay new. It really does become monotonous after a while and then you only look forward to going to the gym to listen to your iPod and watching all the hot guys work out. Not that I would know, of course...
6) Walking around campus with a katana-like sword = subtle coolness. Plus, it's a good conversation starter.
7) Trees around campus fall down for no apparent reason and then spend all day blocking the entire road so that people are late for class. Go. Mother. Nature.
8) The library WILL fine you whole dollar amounts for returning things just a few days late and half of the time when you go to return them, they will mostly likely be closed. Then the other half of the time, the library will clear off a fine you have for no apparent reason.
9) Things that are dropped into the reflection pond will (surprisingly) remain there for a while before disappearing.
10) I jizzed in my pants. Whatever that means.
Monday, April 13, 2009
April 13, 2009
Dude, I had the weirdest dream last night. (If I ever become a movie director, I'm going to start off all of my movies this way). Okay, so Johnathon, Craig, Khoa, and I were going to the McDonald's in Tigertown to eat dinner, right? And Craig and Khoa already ordered so the three of us sat around talking while Johnathon went to go order. Well, he struck up a conversation with the black girl who was taking his order and when he mentioned the song, "Six Feet Under the Stars" (which is an actual song, by the way), the girl was really impressed with him. She said that he should come here more often and that he should call her sometime. Craig, Khoa, and I heard the whole thing and we all turned around in our chairs and stared at them like, "Whoa."
That was it.
As for went okay, I guess. I let the alarm clock ring three times before I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for school. Happily for me, my first psychology class was let out twelve minutes early (I love that class. 9 times out of 10, it was being let out early) and in my next class, we took notes for half an hour before my teacher turned off the lights and put us through something she called "relaxation techniques." Apparently, we were supposed to completely relax and let our chair support our weight, but I had this sharp pain in the middle of my back, and so I had a hard time relaxing with all of those tensed muscles. It did make me feel better afterwards though so maybe I'll put myself through it again when I go to sleep tonight.
Then I went to talk to my boss about my surgery and how I was going to have to miss a week off of work for that. Surprisingly, I got to keep my job. "Most bosses are understanding," Johnathon later told me. "Well, unless they're @$$holes." Hahahaha. There's bluntness for you.
On another subject, he came up with the idea to buy an acoustic, upright piano for the apartment so we could play it if we wanted to...Now, all we have to do is ante up the money for such an expensive undertaking.
I went to the Brooks Center shortly after this but all the piano rooms were taken up. Gahhhhh! And the only one that was vacant was only accessible through key card and since I didn't have mine...I had to give up. Lack of a CU ID was also embarassing when I was standing outside of McCabe waiting to be let in. Well, I couldn't say I was left there for long. After fruitlessly trying to call either Tyler or Craig to let me in, I was saved by two good-looking athletes who were on their way in. (They held the door open and let me go first and everything.) I, true to my nature, acted rudely towards them and only managed a curt "Thank you" before I swept into the building and went on my merry way. That's what you get for helping me, suckers.
I was halfway through homework when Craig kidnapped me so I could go to the Rite-Aid with him.
Craig: Let's see. What do I need? Toothpaste...trash bags.
(Starting to sound like Tyler there, buddy). And then we stopped by Moe Joe's on the way back where Carly gave me free coffee! Woo-hoo!
And then I tried to finish homework again, but got sidetracked by watching videos of the Yazima trannies dancing around shouting, "Pot hole! Pot hole!" It was awesome. Tyler and Craig then dragged me off to dinner with them and a little tiff ensued as to where they were going to go eat.
Tyler: You pick.
Craig: No, YOU pick.
Tyler: You pick. You always say that you're going to pick and then you never do.
Craig: The only place I don't want to go to Subway because I had that for lunch.
Tyler: Pick then.
Craig: We're going to Vegetable City!
Tyler: Okay.
(Craig turns to me)
Craig: YOUUUU pick.
Tyler: I don't want to go wherever Lan Chi wants to go.
Me: Thanks Tyler.
In the end, Tyler won out (surprisingly) and Craig selected Firehouse Subs. We watched Jeopardy! while we were in there and Craig (again, very surprisingly) knew all the answers. The final Jeopardy question was something about Viva La France so Craig and I thought we would get that one (since we're such huge fans of that country and its language), but it turned out to be some obscure French war song that neither of us knew. The contestants knew it, however, and the last guy won out with $15,000. Well, then again, he only bet $200. I don't know whether to call it a safe bet or to be cynical and call the guy a wuss. Eh.
Once we got back, I finally got homework done and spent the rest of the night online, feeding my brain with corrupt propaganda that the world had polluted the Internet with...yeah, good use of my time.
Signing out,
That was it.
As for went okay, I guess. I let the alarm clock ring three times before I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for school. Happily for me, my first psychology class was let out twelve minutes early (I love that class. 9 times out of 10, it was being let out early) and in my next class, we took notes for half an hour before my teacher turned off the lights and put us through something she called "relaxation techniques." Apparently, we were supposed to completely relax and let our chair support our weight, but I had this sharp pain in the middle of my back, and so I had a hard time relaxing with all of those tensed muscles. It did make me feel better afterwards though so maybe I'll put myself through it again when I go to sleep tonight.
Then I went to talk to my boss about my surgery and how I was going to have to miss a week off of work for that. Surprisingly, I got to keep my job. "Most bosses are understanding," Johnathon later told me. "Well, unless they're @$$holes." Hahahaha. There's bluntness for you.
On another subject, he came up with the idea to buy an acoustic, upright piano for the apartment so we could play it if we wanted to...Now, all we have to do is ante up the money for such an expensive undertaking.
I went to the Brooks Center shortly after this but all the piano rooms were taken up. Gahhhhh! And the only one that was vacant was only accessible through key card and since I didn't have mine...I had to give up. Lack of a CU ID was also embarassing when I was standing outside of McCabe waiting to be let in. Well, I couldn't say I was left there for long. After fruitlessly trying to call either Tyler or Craig to let me in, I was saved by two good-looking athletes who were on their way in. (They held the door open and let me go first and everything.) I, true to my nature, acted rudely towards them and only managed a curt "Thank you" before I swept into the building and went on my merry way. That's what you get for helping me, suckers.
I was halfway through homework when Craig kidnapped me so I could go to the Rite-Aid with him.
Craig: Let's see. What do I need? Toothpaste...trash bags.
(Starting to sound like Tyler there, buddy). And then we stopped by Moe Joe's on the way back where Carly gave me free coffee! Woo-hoo!
And then I tried to finish homework again, but got sidetracked by watching videos of the Yazima trannies dancing around shouting, "Pot hole! Pot hole!" It was awesome. Tyler and Craig then dragged me off to dinner with them and a little tiff ensued as to where they were going to go eat.
Tyler: You pick.
Craig: No, YOU pick.
Tyler: You pick. You always say that you're going to pick and then you never do.
Craig: The only place I don't want to go to Subway because I had that for lunch.
Tyler: Pick then.
Craig: We're going to Vegetable City!
Tyler: Okay.
(Craig turns to me)
Craig: YOUUUU pick.
Tyler: I don't want to go wherever Lan Chi wants to go.
Me: Thanks Tyler.
In the end, Tyler won out (surprisingly) and Craig selected Firehouse Subs. We watched Jeopardy! while we were in there and Craig (again, very surprisingly) knew all the answers. The final Jeopardy question was something about Viva La France so Craig and I thought we would get that one (since we're such huge fans of that country and its language), but it turned out to be some obscure French war song that neither of us knew. The contestants knew it, however, and the last guy won out with $15,000. Well, then again, he only bet $200. I don't know whether to call it a safe bet or to be cynical and call the guy a wuss. Eh.
Once we got back, I finally got homework done and spent the rest of the night online, feeding my brain with corrupt propaganda that the world had polluted the Internet with...yeah, good use of my time.
Signing out,
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Day
I woke up this morning just before my mom came into my room. She took one look at me and asked, "Why were you crying all last night?"
I sat up in bed and said, "I wasn't crying last night." And it was true too. I haven't cried myself to sleep in a long time. Now that I think about it, I'm in awe of that fact. Seems like every time my physical health goes down, my mental health goes up. (And vice versa. Strange, isn't it?)
Anyway, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, looked into the mirror, and then--OH, that's why Mom thought I was crying. My eyes were all watery and bloodshot. Yeah, real attractive, I know. I wasn't sure why it looked like that either. I literally slept for 11 hours last night (which ended up ticking me off since my parents didn't wake me up earlier. I had planned to shower before going to church, but now I had no time.) so they shouldn't have been that red, but oh well. Maybe it was the fact that I had lost so much sleep the past week. Not that I had been staying up late to do homework or anything. I generally went to bed around midnight but didn't fall asleep for hours.
The tear-stained look wasn't helped by the fact that I was sniffling all through church either (dern allergies). It really made me look like I was crying in the middle of church. Or bursting into tears at the priest's moving sermon, which would have been awkward since it wasn't really moving at all and people would have looked at me weird. I'm pretty sure some did since my mom decided to seat the family near the front of the church. Thanks Mom.
She meant well, though. Halfway through Mass, she asked me if I was okay, but I just asked to be excused to the bathroom instead. Obviously, this had never happened to me before. I had never looked like I was crying when I truly wasn't crying. I didn't even have a reason to be sad today. Just an ordinary day to me. Well, except for the fact that it was Easter. Maybe I should have been crying out of joy since the Son of God just rose from the dead for, like, the 1976th time or something.
After church, my family carried on with their Sunday activites while I went to watch Indochine, a movie my French teacher lent me. It was about this love triangle where a wealthy French woman and her adopted Vietnamese daughter are both in love with this officer of the French navy. I thought the movie was okay (and the French officer was really hot), but it had too much drama. Like a character in the movie said, "I will never understand the love stories of the French people. They are full of hate, suffering, and violence. They are like our war stories." Haha. Maybe the French war stories are more like love stories--a battlefield where they fight it out by making love in the trenches. That would be interesting since the French military are mostly men.
My mom came home shortly after the movie and took me shoe-shopping. We weren't really looking for shoes though, just spending time with each other. First, we tried Wal-Mart. Their selection was minimal, to put it politely. Then we tried the mall. That was closed. (We couldn't believe it either). Then we tried K-Mart, which was open and though I found a pair of shoes I liked, they were skateboarder shoes and I never skateboarded I did find a bunch of cool hats though and some Zac Efron socks that I knew Craig would just LOVE to have. And so I bought them. Pity those Hannah Montana socks were too small. I could have bought a pair for Melissa.
After the unsuccessful shoe-shopping, my dad drove me back to Clemson while we discussed the usual: religion, the economy, why it was a pity that women and the lower classes weren't educated throughout history...
And then we came up to my room where I frantically searched for my phone and CU ID while my dad tried plugging a cable into the tv so I could finally watch my favorite episodes. Turns out the cable was too short. Just. My. Luck. My dad said that he would come back next week with a longer cable. Well, Dad, I wanted to say, by next week, I'll only live in this dorm for another nine days. But, of course, I was too polite to say that. Then my dad left and I sat around moping about my problems to Tyler (since he was the only one around) and eating ice cream before going back to my room to finish answering my facebook messages. Craig came into my room then and laughed about the socks gag. I was surprised. I'd thought he would be angry.
And then we (me, Craig, Khoa, and Tyler) went to dinner at Subway and talked about what guys talk about: having our hands in our pants, X-Men movies, Linkin Park, and just laughing at each other in general (or really me laughing at Craig trying to buttslap Khoa in front of the Subway customers/onlookers).
After dinner, Khoa and Tyler watched a movie on Khoa's laptop and Craig and I went to Java City where we ended up ordering the exact same thing (except my cafe white mocha was small and his was medium). My dad ended up calling Craig on his cell (since I wouldn't answer mine) and told me he found my phone and CU ID. It was a relief to hear that until I realized that he would not be able to give them to me until Wednesday.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to get back into McCabe for the next two days...
I sat up in bed and said, "I wasn't crying last night." And it was true too. I haven't cried myself to sleep in a long time. Now that I think about it, I'm in awe of that fact. Seems like every time my physical health goes down, my mental health goes up. (And vice versa. Strange, isn't it?)
Anyway, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, looked into the mirror, and then--OH, that's why Mom thought I was crying. My eyes were all watery and bloodshot. Yeah, real attractive, I know. I wasn't sure why it looked like that either. I literally slept for 11 hours last night (which ended up ticking me off since my parents didn't wake me up earlier. I had planned to shower before going to church, but now I had no time.) so they shouldn't have been that red, but oh well. Maybe it was the fact that I had lost so much sleep the past week. Not that I had been staying up late to do homework or anything. I generally went to bed around midnight but didn't fall asleep for hours.
The tear-stained look wasn't helped by the fact that I was sniffling all through church either (dern allergies). It really made me look like I was crying in the middle of church. Or bursting into tears at the priest's moving sermon, which would have been awkward since it wasn't really moving at all and people would have looked at me weird. I'm pretty sure some did since my mom decided to seat the family near the front of the church. Thanks Mom.
She meant well, though. Halfway through Mass, she asked me if I was okay, but I just asked to be excused to the bathroom instead. Obviously, this had never happened to me before. I had never looked like I was crying when I truly wasn't crying. I didn't even have a reason to be sad today. Just an ordinary day to me. Well, except for the fact that it was Easter. Maybe I should have been crying out of joy since the Son of God just rose from the dead for, like, the 1976th time or something.
After church, my family carried on with their Sunday activites while I went to watch Indochine, a movie my French teacher lent me. It was about this love triangle where a wealthy French woman and her adopted Vietnamese daughter are both in love with this officer of the French navy. I thought the movie was okay (and the French officer was really hot), but it had too much drama. Like a character in the movie said, "I will never understand the love stories of the French people. They are full of hate, suffering, and violence. They are like our war stories." Haha. Maybe the French war stories are more like love stories--a battlefield where they fight it out by making love in the trenches. That would be interesting since the French military are mostly men.
My mom came home shortly after the movie and took me shoe-shopping. We weren't really looking for shoes though, just spending time with each other. First, we tried Wal-Mart. Their selection was minimal, to put it politely. Then we tried the mall. That was closed. (We couldn't believe it either). Then we tried K-Mart, which was open and though I found a pair of shoes I liked, they were skateboarder shoes and I never skateboarded I did find a bunch of cool hats though and some Zac Efron socks that I knew Craig would just LOVE to have. And so I bought them. Pity those Hannah Montana socks were too small. I could have bought a pair for Melissa.
After the unsuccessful shoe-shopping, my dad drove me back to Clemson while we discussed the usual: religion, the economy, why it was a pity that women and the lower classes weren't educated throughout history...
And then we came up to my room where I frantically searched for my phone and CU ID while my dad tried plugging a cable into the tv so I could finally watch my favorite episodes. Turns out the cable was too short. Just. My. Luck. My dad said that he would come back next week with a longer cable. Well, Dad, I wanted to say, by next week, I'll only live in this dorm for another nine days. But, of course, I was too polite to say that. Then my dad left and I sat around moping about my problems to Tyler (since he was the only one around) and eating ice cream before going back to my room to finish answering my facebook messages. Craig came into my room then and laughed about the socks gag. I was surprised. I'd thought he would be angry.
And then we (me, Craig, Khoa, and Tyler) went to dinner at Subway and talked about what guys talk about: having our hands in our pants, X-Men movies, Linkin Park, and just laughing at each other in general (or really me laughing at Craig trying to buttslap Khoa in front of the Subway customers/onlookers).
After dinner, Khoa and Tyler watched a movie on Khoa's laptop and Craig and I went to Java City where we ended up ordering the exact same thing (except my cafe white mocha was small and his was medium). My dad ended up calling Craig on his cell (since I wouldn't answer mine) and told me he found my phone and CU ID. It was a relief to hear that until I realized that he would not be able to give them to me until Wednesday.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to get back into McCabe for the next two days...
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- jumira-wings
- Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.