Thursday, November 20, 2008

Well, here we go again.

What did I do this morning? I got up, I got dressed, I went to class.

That's what my friend Johnathon said when he heard me thinking this question out loud.

"Don't write that," he says. Well, I'll show him.

Anyway, no real progress in my life today. I guess my life is not interesting enough to write about.

My friend Melissa gave me a present today! I came back from working on my group project in the library and she was showing me these gifts she had bought her family and one of them was for me! It was this round box a little larger than the palm of my hand with beauteous, intricate carvings in its wooden stucture. Carvings of flowers and branching trees and blooming petals. I love it. I think I'll put tidbits in it. Little souvenirs and memories from good times in my life. I told Melissa about how I used to collect things like shells and coins and put them into little boxes. I'll probably do the same thing with this one as well. Find little things like paper clips and marbles, foreign coins and random pipe cleaners to put in there. Then I'm gong to fill it up with sand and bury it somewhere. Hopefully someone will find it someday...Little round wooden box with all the treasures of the world inside.

Gah, I'm such a hopeless romantic.


  1. You showed him. Yeah, that's right. You OWN this blog woman. You OWN it!!

    Also, I love you. Put my tidbits in your box.


About Me

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Hi, I'm jumira-wings, likely to be one of the strangest people you'll ever meet.